Friday, January 31, 2014

How Much More Does Healthy Food Cost (and Challenge Day 25)

I'm back!  How did your challenges go this week?  A little tougher?  That was the point.  The finish line is so close you can almost touch it!  I will get to tomorrow's challenge in a minute but I want to talk about an article I found today.

We hear all the time (and I used to be someone that used this excuse) that healthy food is too expensive and it's cheaper to eat bad-for-you food.  And the truth is, yes.  You are exactly right!  Healthy food is more expensive.  However, is it really THAT much more expensive?  Sure, we've all been to Taco Bell at least once in our life, right? 

I still tell the story about going there when I was a poor college student and buying a complete meal all in pennies.  And I'm pretty sure that there is very little healthy, redeeming nutrition in my seven-layer burrito, mexi-tots and large Mountain Dew.  But I could get all of that for under 5 bucks!  What a deal!!  Then you look at other "fast food" restaurants like Subway.  While it's still not the healthiest place to have a meal, it does have more good-for-you options and you really can get a meal for under 500 calories.  But, of course, it's going to cost you more than $5.  And that's before the soda (diet of course) and the apple slices (because the chips are not on the good list).  So now we are looking at about $7.50.  Wait....that's only a difference of $2.50.  What??  Is that right??  I can get a meal that provides me a more balanced meal (with less bad fat and more protein, carbs and good fats) for only a couple dollars more?  YUP!  That's what I'm saying!  But don't take my word for it. 

I came across this article today (Do Healthier Food Options Cost More?) that identifies how much more healthier food options cost.  In fact, there have been numerous research studies to address the cost disparity between food we should eat and food that perhaps we should steer clear of.  I mean there are over 50 references in this article alone.  One could get lost in all of the research and data.  So I'm going to boil it down for you.  Yes, healthier food options cost more but the average is about $1.50 per day.  Read that again.  Healthier food options only cost an average of $1.50 more per day. 

Now here's the even better part.  The diet-related healthcare costs average $1200 per year per person or $3.28 per day.  Holy cow!  So even if you spend that $1.50 more per day on healthier options, you are still ultimately saving $1.78 per day ($649 each year).  I'm pretty sure, too, that you can find a gym membership for that.  Or if you don't want to join a gym, that $649 in personal training sessions would get you pretty far on your path to a healthier lifestyle.  So really, you are going to spend the same amount of money but live longer, have more energy, feel better about yourself and be the best you can be.  No more couch potato living for you, right?  It's awesome stuff, really!

So now that you are properly motivated to go to the grocery this weekend and trade in that junk food for fresh veggies, lean cut meat and whole grains, let's talk about what you are going to do exercise-wise this weekend. 

In the spirit of friendly competition (and to get a little social media trend going), your challenge for days 25 and 26 is to participate in the #ownitchallenge.  "Own It" is a private Facebook group that a dear friend of mine (and business partner) started last summer to help several of us around the country stay accountable for our fitness and wellness lifestyle.  It has been such a motivating and inspiring group because we come from all different walks of life and are at different places in our wellness journeys but we are there for each other no matter what life throws at us. 

So Jess and I decided to do a challenge for the group this weekend based on a social media fitness challenge I am following but cannot participate in due to recovery.  I can, however, participate in the #ownitchallenge whereby we are doing 100 squats and 100 pushups between now and Sunday night.  As shared with our group, you can do those 100 squats and pushups however you wish...40 Friday, 40 Saturday, 20 Sunday or 1 Friday and 99 Sunday or whatever works for you.  The most important part, though, is this...every time you do your squats and pushups, you have to post on social media (Twitter, Instagram and/or Facebook) with the hash tag #ownitchallenge.  We want to see how many people we can get talking about Own It, the challenge and healthy lifestyles.  I got started with my squats at PT today and am up to 50 squats and 20 pushups.  I don't do pushups at PT so I'm a bit behind on those.  But rest assured, I will get my 100 in by Sunday (even if I have to do them during the big game).

There you go.  That is your challenge for the weekend.  I will be checking social media throughout the weekend and expect to see some posts from my readers!  Don't be shy, either.  You can definitely include pics of you in action.  Who may inspire someone in YOUR life to start their health and wellness journey. 


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