Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Challenge Day Seventeen

It's time for squats again!  This time I want you to add weight and increase reps. When you first did them, I had you only do five. Tomorrow, you are going to do two sets of 8 with increased weight. So here's the guideline for how much weight to use: 

If you didn't use any weight last time, I want you to use 10 pounds in each hand (20 pounds total)

If you used full water or soda bottles, I want you to do 15 pounds in each hand (30 pounds total) 

If you used 5-10 total weight last time, I want you to do 40 pounds total. 

If you did more than 10 total pounds last time, you are a pro and can increase your weight as you see fit. 

Remember: FORM IS EVERYTHING!!! You may have to go slower since you are increasing weight and that's okay. Do a set of 8 and then rest for a minute and do the second set. You will definitely feel it but you have been doing great so far and your body thanks you for it!!  

Have a great Thursday!


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