Thursday, January 16, 2014

Challenge Day Eleven

Yep...can't really move my arms today. I suppose I may have overdone it the other day. But I did get back to the gym tonight with 45 minutes in the bike and 400 yards of pull in the pool. That's a mouthful...pull in the pool. Anywho...

Tomorrow we are gong to work on the legs again. Walking lunges are on deck. If you are just starting out, I recommend doing them WITHOUT weights. You will be challenged plenty and you will still feel it the next day. I want you to pay attention to your knees while doing them. Just as with squats, your knee should not go past your toes when it's bent. If you can't get your back leg/knee all the way to the floor without your support leg knee going past your toes, that's fine. Just do the best you can. Try to do 10 walking lunges on each leg. 

For more of a challenge, add weights and/or increase the number of lunges to 25. Good luck! 


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