Sunday, January 26, 2014

Challenge Days Twenty through Twenty Four

As promised, here's your list of challenges for is week. They are tough so take your time and do what you can. 

MONDAY- Jumping jacks for 1 minute followed by 10 squats with 10 pounds - 2 sets

TUESDAY - 20 shoulder presses with 5-10 pounds followed by 20 overhead extensions with 3-5 pounds - 2 sets 

WEDNESDAY- hold plank for 30 seconds followed by 15 bicycle crunches - 2 sets 

THURSDAY- 15 walking lunges with 5-10 pounds followed by 15 wall squats with 10-15 pounds - 2 sets 

FRIDAY- 21s with 5-8 pounds followed by bent over dumbbell rows with 10 pounds - 2 sets 

It sounds like a lot and, well, it is.  But if you have been following the progression the last three weeks, this will be easy peasy for you. 



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