Thursday, January 9, 2014

Challenge Day Four

We are taking it back old school for tomorrow's challenge. Remember in grade school P.E. doing jumping jacks? Yep.  We are going back to our 5th grade self for Friday's challenge. 

15 jumping jacks. That's it. But I promise you will get your heart pumping pretty good. Jumping jacks are a great way to get every single major muscle group in your body moving, challenging your cardiovascular system and burning more calories faster.  15 may not seem like a lot but remember, we are only on day 4. I promise you the challenges will get harder as we go so take advantage of the easier ones while you can :-) 

If doing full-out jacks are too difficult for you, don't worry. You can modify them but simply stepping out with your right leg as your arms come up then step together as arms come down.  The step out with left leg/arms up and back/arms down. Keep doing that for 15 on each leg. 

Good luck! Remember to check in and let me know how it goes! 


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