Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Challenge Day Ten

Happy Hump Day! How did your workout go today? I wasn't as sore today as I expected though I may really feel it tomorrow. So tonight I did a little yoga to stretch it all out. It's amazing how quickly your muscles tighten up with no activity. 

I found a great yoga app that I highly recommend: Yoga Studio. Normally, I don't pay for apps but this one is worth the $2.99 to get it. Even if you area beginner with yoga, you will benefit from this app. You can learn the various poses and they have several workouts at each level for different durations. Definitely worth taking a look if you are into, or want to get into, yoga. 

So tomorrows challenge is plank. Plank is a great whole body exercise that is much more challenging than people often think. Not only does it work your core (abs and back) but it also engages your arms and quads. 

When you do plank, you can either do it on your elbows like this: 

You can also do them with full arm extension such as this:

So the goal is to hold plank in the proper form for as long as you can. This is a great exercise that you can build on each day. Add a 10 seconds to your hold each day and before long, you will be holding it for a minute or more. 

Don't forget to check out the Yoga Studio app! 


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