Sunday, January 19, 2014

Challenge Day Fourteen

Tomorrow's workout is getting posted early because the big game is almost on and I can't guarantee I will be in any condition to post the workout after the game. Right now it's looking like my Denver Horsies are going to be in the big game so if my NINERS win it will be AWESOME!!  Yes, I know they are the Denver Broncos but its a family joke about them being the Denver Horsies. 

Anyway, tomorrow we are working on arms again. We are going to do "Running Arms" which is exactly what it sounds like. You will need either dumbbells (no more than 10 pounds), exercise band or water bottles to use as weights. These will not do anyone for you if you do them without weights. Here's what it looks like: 

I want you to do them for a minute without stopping. It's going to burn but it will be worth it. If you really want to give yourself a challenge, rest for 20-30 seconds and then do another minute. 

In other news, I am now a certified Fitness Nutrition Coach as of this morning! Jess and I both passed the test and it's just one more step towards BE TRUE health and Wellness being up and running. Stayed tuned for more info soon!!



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