Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Beckley fitness Challenge Day Three

Hello!! As promised, I am posting tomorrows challenge tonight.  Tomorrow is upper body day. I'm going to ease you into the really fun upper body workouts with the simple shoulder press.  This really is one of my favorite exercises because when I look in the mirror and see the results, I feel like a badass!  

So for tomorrow, I want you to do 10 shoulder presses. I want you to do them with weight as well. It doesn't haven't to be a heavy weight. Even just a (full) water bottle in each hand. Again, focus on the correct form. 

Keep your arms at 90 degrees when you bring them down and bring the weights together at the top. If you have resistance bands, those are a great added challenge. 

As always, keep your abs and glutes tight during the entire 10 reps. Don't lock your knees but keep legs straight. 

BONUS POINT: You will get an extra bonus point for taking a picture and posting one of your healthy meals or snacks tomorrow (January 9th). This is your motivation to eat healthy :-) You must post the pic in the comments here, on the Beckley Fitness Facebook page or email it to me at to earn your bonus point. 

Have a great Thursday!  


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