Friday, January 31, 2014

How Much More Does Healthy Food Cost (and Challenge Day 25)

I'm back!  How did your challenges go this week?  A little tougher?  That was the point.  The finish line is so close you can almost touch it!  I will get to tomorrow's challenge in a minute but I want to talk about an article I found today.

We hear all the time (and I used to be someone that used this excuse) that healthy food is too expensive and it's cheaper to eat bad-for-you food.  And the truth is, yes.  You are exactly right!  Healthy food is more expensive.  However, is it really THAT much more expensive?  Sure, we've all been to Taco Bell at least once in our life, right? 

I still tell the story about going there when I was a poor college student and buying a complete meal all in pennies.  And I'm pretty sure that there is very little healthy, redeeming nutrition in my seven-layer burrito, mexi-tots and large Mountain Dew.  But I could get all of that for under 5 bucks!  What a deal!!  Then you look at other "fast food" restaurants like Subway.  While it's still not the healthiest place to have a meal, it does have more good-for-you options and you really can get a meal for under 500 calories.  But, of course, it's going to cost you more than $5.  And that's before the soda (diet of course) and the apple slices (because the chips are not on the good list).  So now we are looking at about $7.50.  Wait....that's only a difference of $2.50.  What??  Is that right??  I can get a meal that provides me a more balanced meal (with less bad fat and more protein, carbs and good fats) for only a couple dollars more?  YUP!  That's what I'm saying!  But don't take my word for it. 

I came across this article today (Do Healthier Food Options Cost More?) that identifies how much more healthier food options cost.  In fact, there have been numerous research studies to address the cost disparity between food we should eat and food that perhaps we should steer clear of.  I mean there are over 50 references in this article alone.  One could get lost in all of the research and data.  So I'm going to boil it down for you.  Yes, healthier food options cost more but the average is about $1.50 per day.  Read that again.  Healthier food options only cost an average of $1.50 more per day. 

Now here's the even better part.  The diet-related healthcare costs average $1200 per year per person or $3.28 per day.  Holy cow!  So even if you spend that $1.50 more per day on healthier options, you are still ultimately saving $1.78 per day ($649 each year).  I'm pretty sure, too, that you can find a gym membership for that.  Or if you don't want to join a gym, that $649 in personal training sessions would get you pretty far on your path to a healthier lifestyle.  So really, you are going to spend the same amount of money but live longer, have more energy, feel better about yourself and be the best you can be.  No more couch potato living for you, right?  It's awesome stuff, really!

So now that you are properly motivated to go to the grocery this weekend and trade in that junk food for fresh veggies, lean cut meat and whole grains, let's talk about what you are going to do exercise-wise this weekend. 

In the spirit of friendly competition (and to get a little social media trend going), your challenge for days 25 and 26 is to participate in the #ownitchallenge.  "Own It" is a private Facebook group that a dear friend of mine (and business partner) started last summer to help several of us around the country stay accountable for our fitness and wellness lifestyle.  It has been such a motivating and inspiring group because we come from all different walks of life and are at different places in our wellness journeys but we are there for each other no matter what life throws at us. 

So Jess and I decided to do a challenge for the group this weekend based on a social media fitness challenge I am following but cannot participate in due to recovery.  I can, however, participate in the #ownitchallenge whereby we are doing 100 squats and 100 pushups between now and Sunday night.  As shared with our group, you can do those 100 squats and pushups however you wish...40 Friday, 40 Saturday, 20 Sunday or 1 Friday and 99 Sunday or whatever works for you.  The most important part, though, is this...every time you do your squats and pushups, you have to post on social media (Twitter, Instagram and/or Facebook) with the hash tag #ownitchallenge.  We want to see how many people we can get talking about Own It, the challenge and healthy lifestyles.  I got started with my squats at PT today and am up to 50 squats and 20 pushups.  I don't do pushups at PT so I'm a bit behind on those.  But rest assured, I will get my 100 in by Sunday (even if I have to do them during the big game).

There you go.  That is your challenge for the weekend.  I will be checking social media throughout the weekend and expect to see some posts from my readers!  Don't be shy, either.  You can definitely include pics of you in action.  Who may inspire someone in YOUR life to start their health and wellness journey. 


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Challenge Days Twenty through Twenty Four

As promised, here's your list of challenges for is week. They are tough so take your time and do what you can. 

MONDAY- Jumping jacks for 1 minute followed by 10 squats with 10 pounds - 2 sets

TUESDAY - 20 shoulder presses with 5-10 pounds followed by 20 overhead extensions with 3-5 pounds - 2 sets 

WEDNESDAY- hold plank for 30 seconds followed by 15 bicycle crunches - 2 sets 

THURSDAY- 15 walking lunges with 5-10 pounds followed by 15 wall squats with 10-15 pounds - 2 sets 

FRIDAY- 21s with 5-8 pounds followed by bent over dumbbell rows with 10 pounds - 2 sets 

It sounds like a lot and, well, it is.  But if you have been following the progression the last three weeks, this will be easy peasy for you. 



Friday, January 24, 2014

Challenge Day Nineteen

Here's what's on tap for tomorrow and the next few days. 

Saturday: 5 burpees 
Sunday: Rest Day
Monday thru Friday: I will post all five workouts on Sunday night as I will be traveling for work and won't have time to post each night. 

So let's discuss the burpee. I have found that people either love dong burpees or loathe them. I'm in the loathing group but I will admit they are one of the best whole-body exercises that also get your heart rate up. So since they are not easy to do when first starting out, tomorrow you are just going to do 5. If you have never done them before, you will quickly realize why you are only doing 5. 

How to do a burpee: stand with your feet shoulder width apart.  Squat and put your hands on floor n front of you. Jump both feet back at once into a plank/push-up position. If you want, you can do a push-up here. Jump both feet back to hand then jump with hands up in the air.  Repeat 4 more times. 

If you want to do more than 5, you can. However, I will warn you that starting Monday, we are kicking up the challenges a few more notches .  You might want to just do the 5 burpees and take advantage of your rest day Sunday. Just a suggestion. 

Remember to check the blog Sunday for your week of challenges. Have a great weekend! STAY WARM!!! 


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Challenge Day Eighteen

Time to check in.  How are your workouts going?  I hope you are finding the exercises challenging but not too challenging that you can't do them.  If you find you are having difficulty with a particular exercise and need ideas of how to modify, let me know.  I'm happy to help you achieve success!

Tomorrow, we are going to do more arm exercises with the dumbbell fly.  There are several options for completing this exercise depending on the equipment you have. 

The traditional dumbbell fly is done lying on your back on a weight bench (or other stable surface).  With a dumbbell in each hand, you start with your arms straight up above your chest and as you extend and lower your arms, you will bend at the elbow.  Keep your abs tight and don't go past 90 degrees of elbow flexion. 

If you don't have a weight bench, you can do a standing reverse fly.  Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and bend slightly at the hips.  Start with your arms straight out below you and pull them back, bending again at the elbow.  Again, tight abs and arms straight out if you can.  If your arms are not strong enough yet to do that, then bend at the elbow.

For even more of a challenge, you can do reverse fly on a stability ball. 

However you choose to do your dumbbell fly, I want you to do 2 sets of 8-10 so choose your weight accordingly. 

Have a great Friday! 


To Wheat or Not To Wheat...


I belong to a few fitness-related Facebook groups and there was a topic of conversation yesterday that kind of lit a fire under me.  The topic came up of whether wheat really is bad for you.  I had started to post a comment in regard to that and when I realized I was getting up on my soapbox in said comment, I deleted it and decided to blog about it instead.  In the almost 24 hours since, I have given it more thought so I can post a relatively rational/logical post. 

If you have read any health or nutrition-related articles or watched TV reports lately regarding wheat, there continues to be a debate over whether wheat (or gluten) is good for you.  This debate really gained momentum several years ago when more and more people were diagnosed with gluten allergy, sensitivity or intolerance.  That’s when we really started to see a push toward “gluten free."
Recently, though, there has been a lot of buzz in the fitness world that wheat really isn’t good for anyone.  The doctors, researchers, fitness professionals’ main argument is that the wheat we eat today is not in the same form that it was when our ancestors (read cavemen) were dependent upon it all those years ago.  According to William Davis, MD (the author of Wheat Belly), “over the years, wheat has been genetically modified in order for American farmers to produce a high-yield crop of dwarf-size plants that was never tested to see if it was healthy for human consumption.” Folks on this side of the fence also say that wheat has a higher glycemic index than table sugar. 
If you are not familiar with the glycemic index (GI), it is a measure of how quickly blood glucose levels (blood sugar) rise after eating a particular type of food.  Essentially, it estimate how much each gram of available carbohydrate (minus fiber) raises a person’s blood glucose following the consumption of said food relative to pure glucose.  Glucose is the standard by which all foods are compared in the Index and has a glycemic index of 100.  So if a food has a glycemic index of 90, that food raises your blood sugar almost as much as pure glucose whereas a food with a GI of 20 has significantly lower impact on your blood sugar.

Why does the glycemic index matter?  Well, higher glycemic loads enter into the blood stream very quickly upon consumption and are available for use both during and after exercise when the body is trying to replenish the spent glucose quickly.  However, if your body is at rest and you consume higher glycemic loads, the body is not using that glucose as quickly and what isn't used is stored as fat.  So it’s important to eat foods low on the glycemic index when your body is at rest.  Additionally, foods with lower glycemic load also have higher fiber content which slows the glycemic response.  To determine the GI of your favorite food, click here Glycemic Index.

On the flip side of the wheat argument are those who state that wheat is only bad for people with celiac disease (aka gluten allergy or sensitivity).  This group of folks also says that wheat does not, in fact, have a higher glycemic index than sugar (see above link to GI) and that wheat provides a higher amount of fiber than any other food.  As we all know (or should know), fiber is needed in everyone’s diet to help with digestion and regulation.  Then there’s the argument that whole wheat is better for you because it’s not over processed and contain less calories than processed grains.  People who eat whole wheat or whole grains typically have less weight issues than those who don’t.  Additionally, a study out of Wake Forest University showed that “consuming an average of 2.5 servings of whole grains each day is associated with a 21% lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared to consuming only 0.2 servings.” However, it is important to note the words “whole grains”.  This means foods that indicate 100% whole grain on them; not 90% or 70% or any other percent.  Additionally, it is important here to note that most people who eat 100% whole grain foods are also fairly physically active and have healthy diets so is it fair to say that whole grains are good for you? 

Ultimately, my opinion (please remember that’s all it is: an opinion) is that it depends on the person.  I know people that are gluten-free because they feel better physically if they steer clear of wheat/gluten.  I also know people who include wheat/gluten in their diets and are more physically fit than a lot of people their age.  I will admit that I do try to avoid gluten in large quantities but I’m not one to turn down a sandwich!  The key to all of it is that ridding your diet of gluten alone without physical activity is not going to impact your weight all that much.  Sure you might see a pound or two lost (depending on if everything else you eat is healthy) but are you going to see dramatic weight loss?  Probably not.  Those people mentioned above that are gluten-free because they feel better are also VERY physically active and physically fit. 

It’s also important to note that while wheat does provide a significant number of vitamins and minerals and fiber, it is possible to get all the necessary vitamins, minerals and fiber through other foods such as fruits and vegetables and even meat. 

So ultimately, it’s up to you.  You can always eliminate wheat from your diet for a week or two and see if  you feel any different.  If you decide to do this, I recommend keeping a journal each day detailing how you feel.  After a week or two of no wheat (that means anything that has wheat in it as well not just bread!), add it back into your diet and continue to journal how you feel.  If you really notice a different without wheat in your diet, then maybe that is what’s best for your body.  At the end of the day, you are the only one that can determine what’s good for you and what’s not. 



Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Challenge Day Seventeen

It's time for squats again!  This time I want you to add weight and increase reps. When you first did them, I had you only do five. Tomorrow, you are going to do two sets of 8 with increased weight. So here's the guideline for how much weight to use: 

If you didn't use any weight last time, I want you to use 10 pounds in each hand (20 pounds total)

If you used full water or soda bottles, I want you to do 15 pounds in each hand (30 pounds total) 

If you used 5-10 total weight last time, I want you to do 40 pounds total. 

If you did more than 10 total pounds last time, you are a pro and can increase your weight as you see fit. 

Remember: FORM IS EVERYTHING!!! You may have to go slower since you are increasing weight and that's okay. Do a set of 8 and then rest for a minute and do the second set. You will definitely feel it but you have been doing great so far and your body thanks you for it!!  

Have a great Thursday!


Healthy Weight Week (How Your Body Type Affects Your Weight)

Did you know that we are in the middle of Healthy Weight Week?  I sure didn’t.  I had no idea that such a week even existed.  Whether that’s because I live under a rock or because I never thought  about it remains to be seen.  Perhaps it’s a bit of both.  Regardless, this week is Healthy Weight Week.  So I thought I’d take this opportunity to talk about different body types, what healthy weight looks like and how to determine if your weight is “healthy.” 

3 Body Types
There are three “body types”  in which most people can be classified.  This is significant for you to know and understand as it impacts how you gain and lose weight.  It helps you identify how much to eat, the best type of workouts for you, etc.  And it is important to know your body type so you can determine if you are in the healthy weight ideas for your body type. 

Ectomorph: This is typical skinny person; long and lean with lower body fat percentages than most.  These people are blessed with fast metabolisms and find it very hard to gain weight.  This body type has more leniency with the number of calories they can eat per day especially if looking to gain weight.  Individuals with this body type should significantly increase their daily caloric intake especially if they are very active and/or workout regularly.  Insufficient calories could lead to unwanted weight loss, especially of muscle mass because there are fewer fat reserves from which to burn energy. 

Mesomorph:  This is what most people consider the “athletic” body type.  People with this body type have well defined muscles, they gain muscles and muscle mass easily.  However, they also gain fat more easily than ectomorphs so it’s important for them to be aware of the caloric intake and types of food they eat.  This body type benefits most from a combination of weight/strength training and cardio exercise. 

Endomorph: The endomorph body type is typically what most people consider “stocky” or “soft.”  People with endomorph body types gain fat very easily (and it’s difficult to lose weight) thus it becomes critical that they are aware of the types of food and the amount of food they eat.  Endomorphs, however, also tend to be very strong, especially in the legs. For this group, cardio exercises are the most important to battle the fat gains. 

Ladies, I know there is information out there that talks about pear-shaped versus apple-shaped, etc and while there is some validity to those, the main body types are those listed here.  The others refer to where you carry your weight which is a topic to be covered at a later date. 

Now here’s the caveat to all of the above…you can be a combination of these body types.  Everyone is not necessarily one body type only.  For example, when I was younger I was definitely ectomorph.  However, as I’ve gotten older I have more traits of mesomorph and even endomorph.  If you are not sure how you fit into these categories, go to this link and complete the survey and it should help you identify your body type.

So now that you know your body type, let’s talk a little about what healthy weight means.  Clearly, based on your body type, what defines healthy weight for you may not be the same as healthy weight for the next person; even among family members.  The best way to determine if your weight is healthy is to have your body composition measured.  There are numerous ways to have this done.  Most people are familiar with body fat testing using calipers.  If you have a personal trainer (and they are worth what you pay them) he or she will have calipers and can help you determine your body fat.  With my clients, I use body fat with calipers as well as a tape measure to determine circumference.  That also establishes a baseline as we go through the personal training sessions and can measure progress every 6 weeks.  If this is something your trainer does not do, I would encourage you to talk to them about having it done.   With body fat, anyone typically under 24.9% body fat is considered “healthy” though once you get above 22-23%, you bordering on obesity and should talk with your doctor or personal trainer about how to lower your body fat. 

If you don’t have a trainer or access to calipers, there are places you can have other body composition tests done. The most effective measurement is hydrostatic measurements.  However, you have to find a location that has the equipment and space available to do this and there is typically a fee. 

The important thing I want you to remember and take away from this, though, is that there is no hard and fast weight that is healthy.  It depends, again, on your body type and your body fat/body composition.  So while someone may weigh 200 pounds, we need to consider how tall they are, their body type and so forth.  If I’m 5 feet tall and weigh 200 pounds, I probably fall under endomorph and there might be cause for concern.  However, if I’m male and am 6’2” and weight 200 pounds, I’m probably okay.  Again, it’s important to have this conversation with your doctor or personal trainer.  I’m happy to have these conversations with you as well. 

So as we celebrate Healthy Weight Week, celebrate your accomplishments so far in your fitness/wellness journey!  Just remember that extra piece of cake may not be the smartest option for you J 



Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Challenge Day Sixteen

Tomorrow we are kickin' it old school again.  The challenge is a great whole body exercise that doesn't sound like it's going to work much muscle but trust me it will. 

Your challenge is to do a bear crawl across your gym, living room, garage or wherever you workout. I want you to go back and forth across the floor 4 times without standing up. It's going to be tougher than it sounds but I know you can do it. 

For those of you who don't remember how to do the bear crawl, here's a link. 

BONUS POINT: I want to see a picture of your awesome bear crawl!!  


Monday, January 20, 2014

Challenge Day Fifteen

So my Niners lost :(  It was a good game though.  I'm disappointed but now it's on to basketball!  No time to dwell on what might have been!

BUT!!  The great news is that you have made it to the halfway point in the 30-day challenge!!  Your challenge for day fifteen is AB-mazing!  Ha!  I just made that word up.  Okay, maybe I didn't make it up but it sounded cooler if I made it up.  Instead of just one exercise tomorrow, I'm going to give you two.  Everyone always likes to work on their abs because who doesn't want a flatter stomach, right?  More importantly, though, your core/abs/trunk is what stabilizes your body every second of every day and we don't want those muscles to weaken.  It's equally important to strengthen your back muscles as well to ensure core balance. 

The first exercise is one of my absolute favorites.  Russian twists.  If I could do Russian twists for an hour and no other exercise and still get the same results, I would.  That's how much I love them!  So here's what they look like. 

The easiest way to get in the correct position is to sit with your legs out in front of you and then lean back until you feel your abs engage.  Once the abs engage, lift your feet off the ground.  Holding that position, you are going to rotate from right to left just using your abs and upper body.  If you have never done this exercise before, you might want to try it without weight for a few reps to just get the feel of it.  Once you are comfortable with the movements add weight.  I recommend no more than 10 pounds, especially if you are just starting out.  I want you to do 30 total (right and left).  If you have to take a 2-4 second break during the set, that's okay.  Just don't rest too long as we want the abs to work as hard as they can without too much rest. 

After you've done your 30 Russian twists, you are then going to do side plank.  Some of you may need to do modified side plank and that is completely fine.  Your focus should be on maintaining engaged core (abs, back and glutes) while you hold the position.  Here is what side plank looks like. 

To modify this, you will simply bend and rest your knees on the ground and lift up from there. 

I want you to hold this position for 30 seconds on each side.  If you feel good, try it twice on each side.  Between that and the Russian twists, your core will be getting a great workout. 


Sunday, January 19, 2014

Challenge Day Fourteen

Tomorrow's workout is getting posted early because the big game is almost on and I can't guarantee I will be in any condition to post the workout after the game. Right now it's looking like my Denver Horsies are going to be in the big game so if my NINERS win it will be AWESOME!!  Yes, I know they are the Denver Broncos but its a family joke about them being the Denver Horsies. 

Anyway, tomorrow we are working on arms again. We are going to do "Running Arms" which is exactly what it sounds like. You will need either dumbbells (no more than 10 pounds), exercise band or water bottles to use as weights. These will not do anyone for you if you do them without weights. Here's what it looks like: 

I want you to do them for a minute without stopping. It's going to burn but it will be worth it. If you really want to give yourself a challenge, rest for 20-30 seconds and then do another minute. 

In other news, I am now a certified Fitness Nutrition Coach as of this morning! Jess and I both passed the test and it's just one more step towards BE TRUE health and Wellness being up and running. Stayed tuned for more info soon!!



Saturday, January 18, 2014

Challenge Day Thirteen

Did you enjoy your rest day? We are about to turn it up now!!

Tomorrow is squat jumps. Good for your heart, soul and legs!! I want to see you challenge yourself so set that timer to 30 seconds and go full out no stopping. In the immortal words from "Happy Gilmore," YOU CAN DO EET! 

Don't forget to watch the big game tomorrow as well! 

BONUS POINT: If the NINERS win everyone gets a bonus point! 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Challenge Day Twelve

Congratulations! You made it to day 12!! How are you feeling?  I hope you are finding it easier to do a bit of exercising each day. 

Tomorrow is rest day. Enjoy it!! Next week is going to step it up another level. 


Do YOU Know What Healthy Eating Looks Like? (Shopping list included)

It's amazing that sometimes how we do things in life changes and we can't even remember what our old way of doing things was.  This is clearly evident in my grocery shopping.  I used to joke that my body was going to be the most preserved body ever because I rarely bought anything that didn't come from a can or box and preservatives were the number one ingredient!  Flip to now and there have been numerous times at the grocery here in the UP that the checker has made a comment about how healthy I eat.  I guess others in the UP don't buy the same stuff??  Though I'm not sure even I buy that because often what I want isn't available because someone else bought it all.  So maybe there are a few of us up here in the frozen tundra that do eat healthy. 

While my mom was up here helping me post-op (THANKS MA!!), I learned that my mother's definition of eating healthy and my definition (as well as my brother's because are pretty similar) are not the same.  My mom has told my brother and I repeatedly that she ALWAYS cooks healthy.  To her, healthy is 3 square meals a day with all of the basic food groups covered.  And that's true...we always had the food groups covered.  The difference is that I have gotten away from a lot of the "extras" that are in meals today.  You know, the "extra" salt and the "extra" sugar for the sweet potato, "extra" butter/fat/lard/margarine or the helping of gravy to smother over the turkey.  I also try to eat fairly gluten-free just because it seems my stomach does better with minimal gluten. 

That being said, I'm currently taking a Fitness Nutrition Coach course for certification and have learned the value of the three macronutrients: protein, fats and carbs.  Now, I previously had a modicum of knowledge related to nutrition given my undergraduate studies and my general "healthy" eating.  It has been eye-opening though to learn that we really do need carbs to function.  It's our bodies preferred source of energy.  Now, that doesn't mean that we can have all the carbs we want because there is such thing as too much.  And too much leads to additional fat stores, etc...  So a healthy amount of carbs from things such as fruits and vegetables, nuts and beans generally provide you enough carbs to get through the day.  If you HAVE TO HAVE grain products, naturally you should choose from the whole wheat or "brown" kind.  Brown rice.  Whole Wheat bread.  Brown rice flour.  Those sorts of things. 

Today, I received an email from one of the bloggers ( I follow that has her 2014 Official Supermarket List.  I'm sharing it with you as I think often times folks just starting out with healthy eating struggle to identify what is truly healthy.  I will preface this with I don't agree with everything on her list but that is my personal preference.  Everyone is different.  Here's the link and you can download a PDF to print off.

I hope you find it useful in some way.  I have one of her cookbooks as well and several of the recipes that I will post here from time to time come from that book.  I recommend checking the website out. 

I'm taking my FNC test tomorrow so hopefully the next time I blog, I will be a Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach!  Don't forget to check back tonight for tomorrow's fitness challenge!


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Challenge Day Eleven

Yep...can't really move my arms today. I suppose I may have overdone it the other day. But I did get back to the gym tonight with 45 minutes in the bike and 400 yards of pull in the pool. That's a mouthful...pull in the pool. Anywho...

Tomorrow we are gong to work on the legs again. Walking lunges are on deck. If you are just starting out, I recommend doing them WITHOUT weights. You will be challenged plenty and you will still feel it the next day. I want you to pay attention to your knees while doing them. Just as with squats, your knee should not go past your toes when it's bent. If you can't get your back leg/knee all the way to the floor without your support leg knee going past your toes, that's fine. Just do the best you can. Try to do 10 walking lunges on each leg. 

For more of a challenge, add weights and/or increase the number of lunges to 25. Good luck! 


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Challenge Day Ten

Happy Hump Day! How did your workout go today? I wasn't as sore today as I expected though I may really feel it tomorrow. So tonight I did a little yoga to stretch it all out. It's amazing how quickly your muscles tighten up with no activity. 

I found a great yoga app that I highly recommend: Yoga Studio. Normally, I don't pay for apps but this one is worth the $2.99 to get it. Even if you area beginner with yoga, you will benefit from this app. You can learn the various poses and they have several workouts at each level for different durations. Definitely worth taking a look if you are into, or want to get into, yoga. 

So tomorrows challenge is plank. Plank is a great whole body exercise that is much more challenging than people often think. Not only does it work your core (abs and back) but it also engages your arms and quads. 

When you do plank, you can either do it on your elbows like this: 

You can also do them with full arm extension such as this:

So the goal is to hold plank in the proper form for as long as you can. This is a great exercise that you can build on each day. Add a 10 seconds to your hold each day and before long, you will be holding it for a minute or more. 

Don't forget to check out the Yoga Studio app! 


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Challenge Day Nine

Alright alright alright. Did you figure it who said that and in which movie? It was Matthew McConaghey in one of his very first films "Dazed and Confused."

How did your arm workout go? I made it to the Y tonight and did the 21s twice and three sets of overhead extensions. Then I did a few other Rm exercises and then did 200 yards in the pool. Yep.  I'm gonna feel it tomorrow! 

So your Wednesday challenge is another good cardio exercise that really works the whole body. Are you ready for mountain climbers?  I used to hate maintain climbers until someone introduced me to burpees. Now I would rather do 100 mountain climbers than any burpees! 

So I want you to really challenge yourself with these and do 2 sets of 30 seconds. If you have to do them slowly in order to last the full 30 seconds that's fine. But I want you to take no more than 1 minute between sets. It's going to be tough especially if you are new to them. But I have faith in you!  

Good luck!


Monday, January 13, 2014

Challenge Day Eight

Alright, alright, alright! BONUS POINT: Who said that line and in which movie?? 

How did your wall squats to today? Did you feel the burn?  Tomorrow we are going to give your arms a good little burn as well. Biceps and triceps can be worked in a variety of exercises, many of which you are probably familiar with. Tomorrow's challenge consists of 21s for your biceps and overhead extensions for your triceps. 

For the 21s, do 2 sets. Use a weight that will challenge you but you will be able to complete both sets while maintaining proper form. Here are the details of 21s. 

For overhead extensions, do 3 sets of 12. Again, use a weight that will challenge you while maintaining form and completing all three sets. Be sure to rest between sets. 

Happy Tuesday! 


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Challenge Day 7

All right! It's time to up the intensity on our challenge. Tomorrow we are going back to working the legs. Remember that squat form you perfected last week?  Well we are going to add to it. 

Using that perfect for, your challenge is to do stability ball assisted wall squats WITH weights. And you are going to do them to failure. For some, that might mean 10. For others it might mean 30. The number doesn't matter. What matters is that you challenge yourself while keeping the correct form. 

Here's what it looks like...

Remember that form is key but you want to challenge yourself. You might want to try a heavier weight with less reps or lighter weight for more reps. 

Have a great Monday! 


Saturday, January 11, 2014

Challenge Day Six - Rest Day

One of the most important things to remember when you start a new workout regimen is that rest days are a must. Even with a workout program like this one, its important to give your body time to recover. That is especially true if you haven't worked out in a long time, if ever. 

Since tomorrow (Challenge Day 6) is Sunday, we will make it a rest day as well. Now, that doesn't mean you can lie around on the couch all day eating Bon Bons and watching TV.  You can do what we call Active Rest: go for a short walk, play with your kids, go sledding or anything else that gets you moving but is not overly-taxing on your body. 

I will be doing some yoga before the big game and then will be watching the Golden Globes to,or row night. I might try to get some work done in between all of that! Whatever you do, enjoy your day.  We will start to increase the intensity of the daily,challenges starting Monday so be good and rest up! 


Friday, January 10, 2014

Challenge Day Five

How did your jumping jacks go? I hope you broke a little sweat with them. 

Tomorrow we are going to focus on the back, primarily, though it will be a little arm workout as well. We are going to do one of my favorite exercises...bent over dumbbell rows.  

Start with a light weight and do 6-8 on each arm. Let me know how it goes. 

Oh and I got cleared by the surgeon to start doing upper body exercises so now I can join you in the daily challenge!! 

Have a great Saturday. 


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Challenge Day Four

We are taking it back old school for tomorrow's challenge. Remember in grade school P.E. doing jumping jacks? Yep.  We are going back to our 5th grade self for Friday's challenge. 

15 jumping jacks. That's it. But I promise you will get your heart pumping pretty good. Jumping jacks are a great way to get every single major muscle group in your body moving, challenging your cardiovascular system and burning more calories faster.  15 may not seem like a lot but remember, we are only on day 4. I promise you the challenges will get harder as we go so take advantage of the easier ones while you can :-) 

If doing full-out jacks are too difficult for you, don't worry. You can modify them but simply stepping out with your right leg as your arms come up then step together as arms come down.  The step out with left leg/arms up and back/arms down. Keep doing that for 15 on each leg. 

Good luck! Remember to check in and let me know how it goes! 


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Beckley fitness Challenge Day Three

Hello!! As promised, I am posting tomorrows challenge tonight.  Tomorrow is upper body day. I'm going to ease you into the really fun upper body workouts with the simple shoulder press.  This really is one of my favorite exercises because when I look in the mirror and see the results, I feel like a badass!  

So for tomorrow, I want you to do 10 shoulder presses. I want you to do them with weight as well. It doesn't haven't to be a heavy weight. Even just a (full) water bottle in each hand. Again, focus on the correct form. 

Keep your arms at 90 degrees when you bring them down and bring the weights together at the top. If you have resistance bands, those are a great added challenge. 

As always, keep your abs and glutes tight during the entire 10 reps. Don't lock your knees but keep legs straight. 

BONUS POINT: You will get an extra bonus point for taking a picture and posting one of your healthy meals or snacks tomorrow (January 9th). This is your motivation to eat healthy :-) You must post the pic in the comments here, on the Beckley Fitness Facebook page or email it to me at to earn your bonus point. 

Have a great Thursday!  


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Challenge Day Two

So how did your first day go?  I hope you were successful with your 10 minutes of walking. 

I realized this morning that there may be some of you who workout in e morning before I post the challenge. This is what happens when you are to allowed to workout like forget that you prefer morning workouts and others do as well. So, I vow to post the next days challenge the night before. 

That being said, today's challenge is a bit late!  I apologize for that. 

Today's challenge is to do 5 squats. I know it's not much but as I said at the beginning of this challenge, the goal is to get you started and ease in to working out. I want you to really focus on form. This is true for those of you who are more advanced. The most important thing with form in squats is that your knees should not go beyond your toes. Here are a couple pictures to help you. 

So start with 5. You can do them with or without weights. Remember to focus on your form. 

Beyond the obvious benefits of squats (leg strength), there are other muscles that benefit. 

Remember to keep your abs and glutes tight the whole time. 

Good luck! 


Challenge Day One

Alright! it's time to start the new year off right!  Today's challenge is to walk 10 minutes non-stop. It doesn't have to be a brisk pace but I don't want you stopping. If that means you walk slower, then that's perfectly acceptable. 

For those of you who are more advanced, you can do one or more of the following modifications. 

1.  Carry weights with you as you walk. If you are at work and don't have free weights, find water bottles or soda bottles, fill them up and carry them with you. 

2.  Add running or jogging intervals. Walk for 2-3 minutes then run/jog for a minute. Repeat for the full 10 minutes. 

3.  If you are already a runner/jogger, I want you to complete this challenge as written and focus on your form. It's a good idea that we runners periodically get back to basics.

Don't forget to comment here, on or email me at today to earn your challenge point!


Monday, January 6, 2014

The Turtle Always Wins...

That's what I'm telling myself as I sit here one week post-op not able to do much of a "workout."  Here's what my current allotment is:
  • Bridges 3 sets of 10
  • Clamshells 3 sets of 15
  • Standing side leg lifts 3 sets of 10
  • Standing front leg lifts 3 sets of 10
  • Wall squats with stability ball 3 sets of 10
Of course there are caveats to that...front leg lifts are only about 1 inch (maybe 2 inches) off the ground with my knee bent and the wall squats are only to about 80 degrees of flexion.  Thus is the beginning of my recovery.  I see the surgeon tomorrow so maybe he will let me do something crazy like planks!  Oh wait...I know better than that.  Planks are not going to happen for a long, long time.  And burpees or mountain climbers?  Yeah, you can forget those until at least March. 

BUT...enough of the crying.  It's a slow journey to get back to full strength but I have done it before and will get there again.  I will tell you that this time around I am at a different clinic than last time and my PT is a hard-core runner as well.  That has been super refreshing since I no longer hear "well if you stopped running you wouldn't have these issues."  In fact, on the first day there he guaranteed me I would never hear that from his staff.  And the rehab plan is geared to get me back to running not
just recovering from surgery.  I am very excited about that!

I use my current situation as a way to encourage you to start the new year off right.  If you have been reluctant to start (or re-start) healthy habits because it's been too long or you just don't think you can do it because you are so out of shape or you don't have time, STOP THAT NON-SENSE.  It's never too late to start healthy habits!  I've talked about that before on this blog and I bring it up again because I want everyone to know that it really isn't too late.  The only time it's too late is when they are giving your eulogy.

So here's my challenge...those of you who are interested I am going to do a little challenge for you.  There will be prizes at the end of the challenge so it's a little incentive for you.  Every day, I am going to post an exercise on for you to do that day.  It may be as simple as walking for 5 minutes or more difficult like doing 5 pushups.  The point is, it will be something to start you off right for the new year.  When you complete your exercise, you can post a comment here on the blog, on the webpage or you can send me an email at  I will be keeping track of how many days you complete the specified exercise and you get a point for every day of completion.  Periodically, I will throw in a "bonus point" challenge which may include a new recipe for you to try, another exercise or something else. 

This will run for 30 days from January 7 through February 5th.  It takes 12 days to make something a habit so if you are consistent with your exercises, you will have developed a healthy habit by February 5th. 

You don't need to let me know in advance if you are going to participate.  Just post a comment here on the blog, on the website or via email each day that you complete the challenge.  REMEMBER...this is completely on the honor system.  The only person you hurt if you are not honest is YOURSELF. 

I wish you all good health in the new year (and hopefully no more surgeries for me!)