Saturday, June 2, 2012

Moving Day At Last!!

Hallelujah!!  It's finally moving day!  Only two months in that stupid hotel.  Good heavens if I never see another hotel...oh wait...I travel for work.  Ok.  Nevermind. 
I must say.  I'm kind of in love with my new apartment.  Is that weird?  Seriously.  It's my favorite apartment I've ever lived in.  Of course, it's been about 8 hours since I've lived here so that may change.  But I have so much room!  Check out the living room.

The movers, young guys maybe 21, were shocked and in awe over the number of boxes with "shoes" labeled on them.  Then when I started unpacking the boxes, well, I'm sure they will be telling their children's children about the lady with all the shoes.  I keep trying to tell people there is a reason my nickname is Shoegirl.  I did, however, decide that if I'm ever hard up for money, I can sell my shoes and my clothes and probably make enough money to buy a house or go to Paris.  Speaking of clothes and shoes, here is my closest (a.k.a the reason I got this apartment).

Many thanks go out to my brother (I put that in there specifically to see if he is actually reading my blog) for organizing my kitchen in such a fashion that the location of everything makes sense.  I guess he thought my previous organization system didn't make sense. 

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