Friday, June 8, 2012

Back Home, for now

It's been a long week as I was back in Chicago again.  It was good to see my brother and I got a good visit in at the VA but it always makes for a long week.  I was excited to return home as one of my good friends from Memphis flew in this afternoon for a weekend visit.  It will be great to not go out to eat or to the movies or to a bar by myself!
The big news, though, is that I leave for Europe on WEDNESDAY!!  I can't believe it's finally here!  I fly to KC on Wednesday to meet up with Janet and then we leave on Thursday morning.  It's good to know people in high places because we got hooked up with buddy passes thanks to a friend of mine in Memphis who works for Delta.  So we are flying standby but for First Class and we only paid $535 a piece!  WOO HOO!!

We also decided to get matching shirts so look for those pics to be posted soon.  I hope to blog at least every other day while we are over there so check back often!  Have a terrific weekend!  I know I will!

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