Monday, June 18, 2012

When in Rome...

Actually, we are finally in Florence. We arrived last night but we having connectivity issues so couldn't post anything until this morning. And I haven't figured out how topmost pics on Janet's iPad so guess you all will have to wait for me to get home and post on facebook or wait for my scrapbook. It has been quite the adventure thus far but we have showered (twice each since last night), slept on a non-moving bed and eaten WONDERFUL Italian food so we are quite the happy campers now!! We are off tone explore this morning and then to the Chianti area this afternoon. Oh...I drank two small glasses of wine last night. Yeah it's better thAn wine in the states but I'm still a beer and rum girl!!

1 comment:

  1. Dude-instagram some pics from your 'global' phone!! I'd love to see what you gals are up to :)
