Monday, June 18, 2012

Have You Seen My Kotex?

Well boys and girls, we have arrived in Europe. Not Venice or even anywhere in Italy but we are here. I wanted this trip to be one Janet would remember forever and I am pretty sure I have succeeded. We arrived in Amsterdam yesterday (Saturday) as it was the only flight out of Atlanta that the wonderful ladies at the rebooking desk could find. Of course our luggage arrived after us. But that have us time to go find out about hoping a train south to Italy. We tried to get one to Venice but we wouldn't have made it in time to get our train to Florence this morning (Sunday). So we booked the train to Florence. It's all been part of the adventure. The train to Florence didn't depart Amsterdam until 830 pm so we got to spend 8 hours exploring. Went to the Anne Frank house. What an amazing experience. It was like walking back in time and makes me appreciate even more all of the freedoms I have and what our troops continue to do everyday. Took a canal boat ride too because you know Amsterdam is the Venice of the north and we HAD to take a canal ride. So by the time we boarded our train at 830, it had been 36 hours since I slept because of course I couldn't sleep on the plane. I don't know much of what the first leg of the train ride was as I was looking at the back of my eyelids for most of it. Thought I will tell you that the high speed train sleeping cars in China are much better! So now we are in Basel, Switzerland waiting for our next train to Milan which will take us to Florence tonight. We have had to cancel some of our tours but that's why we bought trip insurance. Plus we have had so much fun on our new, unplanned adventure that it's all been worth it. I do want to thank Janet publicly for dealing with my melt down over not getting to Venice and reminding me that it's more about the fact that we are together than where we are going. Life is about the journey not the destination. Sent from my iPad

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