Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I think I broke my ass

First, I've added pics from my birthday yesterday. Janet woke up from a nap and asked if I blogged and I said a little but hadn't downloaded the pics and she said why not? So I did (I didn't want to wake her up to ask where the memory card converter was. See I'm that nice of a bestie!)

So today was probably the day Janet was looking forward to the most. It was our cooking class. For those who know me well you know I don't cook. And today we proved why. But before the class our chef/teacher took us on a walking tour of the old Jewish Ghetto. It was fascinating to listen to what happened with the Roman Jews during WWII. Along the way, we stopped at the butcher shop, bread shop and of course the market. So much fresh food it was unbelievable. Pike Place has nothing on this market!

We strolled by the Pantheon (J and I went back later) and our chef's restaurant to pick up some items. Then it was off to his home to cook. I promise you all that I did help but those pics are on Janet's camera so you will have to wait for those. We learned to make pasta (apparently I should not do that again as my dough was used as the class example of what NOT to do) and several other items that were then prepared for us and we had a great feast. Unfortunately, as we left Fabio's home (yes that's his name and no he doesn't have long hair), I was walking down the marble stairs slowly and watching my step. I looked up for a quick second to look out the open window and my foot slipped on the marble and my whole butt and tailbone landed on the edge of the marble step. To say it was painful is an understatement. Luckily Janet was there with ibuprofen and water and I say on ice at the restaurant. Not sure if it's broken but it hurts like hell. So painkillers it is for a while. Guess I won't be running tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the tour of the Vatican in the morning and then the Colisseum and Roman Forum in the afternoon. Should be another great day! Now if someone could turn down the heat on the country that would be FABULOUS!!!

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