Monday, June 18, 2012

Oh no! I might be a wino!

It is official! We have won the travel game against Europe and we able to do an activity we had actually planned. We walked over to the Duomo and took pica of the outside. Didn't have time to go in and the line was ridiculous anyway. We did go in one of the towers that promised a great view of the city. So we climbed and climbed and climbed and they were right. It was a magnificent view of the city. Lots of pica to come I promise. After that we took a tour with 50 others to a castle winery in Chianti. Turns out the word chianti isn't just for the wine. It actually means "hills" and refers to the area where chianti wine is made. And in order for it to be true chianti wine it has to be at least 80% San Giovanni grapes. I could totally be spelling that wrong but blame it on the wine! It was a wonderful tour complete with tastings that make US wine tastings cry. We had three bottles of wine at our table to split among 6 people. It was fabulous. And yes I tried all three and actually preferred the Punitive Grigio over either of the chiantis. Who knew I would like wine. Of course its probably the Italian atmosphere that did it for me. Then we were taken to a quaint little Tuscan town called Greve and wandered around for a bit and had gelatinous (for the third time in less han 24 hours.)Fantastico!! Upon our return we walked over to Piazza della Republica and had a wonderful meal. I may never be able to eat Italian food at home again!!Tomorrow morning we hop the train to Rome to celebrate my birthday and hang out for a few days. Should be fun!

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