Saturday, June 23, 2012

You Go Maybe Hundred Meters...

...then u ask again.

So one of the things I love about Janet and we joke about all the time is her description of everything being "three blocks away.". Regardless of whether it's one block or twenty. Well, thanks to our friendly street vendors in Rome, everything is now "maybe hundred meters then you ask again." I can't even tell you how often we heard this.

We survived our whirlwind tour of Rome. I would not recommend trying to do Rome in three days unless your young and full of energy or it's at the beginning of your trip. But we hit the highlights. Vatican museums, Sistine Chapel, St. Peters Basilica, Colosseum, Roman Forum and Pallantine Hill all in one day. If you have not been to Rome I would suggest the Sistine Chapel and St Peters Basilica and the Colosseum. Those really were my faves. And I would suggest buying tickets online to avoid the queue out front but unless you want ALL the history and a blazing fast pace, don't do a guided your. It was nice to get the history and such but we skipped half of everything and barely had time for pictures. I will be posting on Trip Advisor so you can look for that as you plan your travels.

Yesterday we hopped a plane to Toulousse, France. Thank heaven we didn't plan to take the train to France because the Roman transit workers went in strike yesterday. Apparently this happens often and only lasts a day or so. We got lucky on this one, especially considering how everything else has been going.

At Toulousse airport, we picked up our rental car and headed South to Barcelona. Well, we tried to head south. Being the genius that I am, I forgot my directions I printed from the airport to Barcelona. And the guy at the car rental place said it was cheaper to go buy a GPS because he would have to charge so much. So we tried the map on Janet's iPhone which got us nowhere and apparently gas stations don't have attendants. Luckily we came upon a mechanic shop so I hopped out and asked the cute French guy how to get to the motorway to Barcelona. Lucky again for us it was 100 meters then turn left. It really was 100 meters this time!!

The drive to Barcelona was GORGEOUS!! We have done many road trips but never in a foreign country. We can check that off the list!

Getting to our hotel though was a comedy of errors. We got to the Barcelona city area about 7pm and arrived at our hotel at about 9pm.
'nuff said.

So we have today and part of tomorrow to explore. It is cooler here thank heaven do we may not sweat to death again. And our hotel upgraded us for free. The pics below that are of views are from our balcony where I am sitting and blogging. Life if rough sometimes.

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