Thursday, May 31, 2012

One More Thing...

I just realized I haven't posted anything about my half-marathon training for a while...things are going well.  Slow still but well.  I have a new toy (Garmin GPS watch) which I LOVE LOVE LOVE and I just got two new running skirts in the mail today. 

Running skirts you say?  That's crazy, right?  Actually, it is possible to look cute while running!  And there is a whole website devoted to it!  That's my kind of website! 

Deadline to be up to full speed is July 15th.  That's when I absolutely have to start training for the St. Jude half so I have to keep it slow and steady right now. 

Keep your fingers crossed and good thoughts coming my way!

1 comment:

  1. Sending some good thoughts to you!!! And if I ever get my ipod fixed-some motivational music :) Keep it up girl!
