Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Twas the Night Before

Well I guess it would have been too easy to go on this trip without some form of drama.  Unfortunately, it usually comes in 3s.  So here we go...

1.  Went to get my hair done after work because I CANNOT go out of the country with my roots showing.  Sorry to disappoint those of you who thought my beautiful red hair was natural.  I wear it well don't I?  Anyway, I go to my hairdresser who wanted to use the brand of color she is comfortable with.  This was the compromise I made with her last time because I brought my own tube of color (Thanks Tammy!) and she tried to get her distributor to get it but to no avail.  So today we went with her color.  Well, I should know better than that.  It wasn't her fault entirely. She didn't realize how "red" the color really would be and we both agreed it was too much.  So next time we are trying a different color.  In the mean time, I feel like I have purple hair. Now the logical side of me looks in the mirror and realizes that I, in fact, do not have purple hair.  It's actually not horrible but it's not what I usually have and we all know I'm a creature of habit and very particular about my hair.

2.  Started packing and decided that I should call Verizon (yes, I'm calling them out in my blog because I'm that pissed off with them) and activate my global phone.  For all you non-Verizon users, thank your lucky stars.  If I wasn't in the middle of a contract, I would switch.  When I called them a few weeks ago, I was told it was very easy to activate and yes I would have all the features of my current phone, etc.  So I try to call my bestie to see how many suitcases she is taking (more on that later) and my "global" phone doesn't have any of my contacts in it.  So I call Verizon and after about 20 minutes on the phone with a guy who didn't really seem to know what he was talking about, I asked him if it was easier for me to take the phone to a Verizon store and have them help and he said "yes". So I hop in my car and go to Verizon and surprise, surprise.  They are closed.  They closed at 8pm and it was freaking 8:15pm.  UGH!!  Then I realize (after much swearing and all the emotional intelligence work I've been doing goes out the window), that I have my blackberry so I'm not completely out of touch with the world.

3.  Call my bestie to see how many suitcases she is taking and she says "one".  And I had two packed.  Mind you it was a small one and a medium one.  But I had been contemplating only taking one because I had two in Norway and it was a pain in my back side.  So what do I do??  I hop BACK IN THE CAR to go to Shopko and buy a new suitcase (largest size available).  I come home and re-pack everything.  This part of my trilogy does have a happy ending though.  I got everything in the new suitcase with room to spare!  Hot diggity dog!!  And, I'm pretty sure I will be able to tell which suitcase is mine and will know if someone tries to walk off with it.

The day did finish on a strong, positive note, though.  I decided after all this drama I needed to clear my head.  So I went for a run.  That's the nice thing about living in a small town...I can go run at 9:30 pm and not worry about getting accosted.  Not only was the weather perfect (about 50 degrees) but I ran for 20 minutes straight after a 3 minute warm up.  Now for those of you who are avid runners, this may not seem like much but considering how recent my hip surgery was, this was a huge accomplishment.  And it means I'm getting stronger and just may be able to complete the half-marathon without crawling across the finish line.

Best of all, though, I get to see J tomorrow!!!  And we will be on our way to Italy on Thursday!! Stay tune for the fun...

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