Wednesday, June 20, 2012

They say it's your birthday

Another birthday has come and gone but I really don't care this year because I got to spend it in Rome with Janet. We haven't downloaded pics yet from the events of the day but I will start with this. My proof that even at 36 and in a foreign country, my happy ass got up and went for a run on my birthday.

We had a great day though. Once we arrived in Rome and found our hotel we went exploring. As our luck has been, when we went to buy tickets for the hop on hop off bus your, they only took cash. Of course neither of us had cash and Janet is without her debit card so I set out to find an ATM. In the process I found the Spanish Steps which was cool. Unfortunately when I tried to get cash the machine told me I could not make an international withdrawal. Now mind you, this is the same card/bank that I used in China and Norway without problems. So I walked back to find Janet and call the bank. Yep. Yours truly forgot that I set my daily withdrawal limit at $500 and I tired to get €500 which is about $627. That's why I couldn't get money. So I went back got money and got bus tickets.

We meandered down to the Spanish Steps to take pics and such and it turns out that the Benetton store there was going out of business and having a huge sale. Well when does MK ever pass up a sale? Especially on her birthday. So...then we started to find the tour bus. That was an adventure in itself. We finally "hopped" on and ride around Rome. It really was a nice way to see the city.

Made our way to Trevi Fountain and I guess I'd not seen pictures of it before because it didn't look like what I thought it did. It was way better. Holy cow. It's huge!! It's one of those places that you hear people talk about but seeing it in person was spectacular. (Pics will follow when we upload them).

Came back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. Had a nice dinner at a nearby restaurant and then went for drinks. All was good until this girl from Australia sits down next to me and starts shamelessly flirting with ALL of the bartenders talking about how she just got a job reviewing bars and restaurants and how this place was "fab" and she doesn't really care for France even though her "mum" is French blah blah blah. Now normally I will just sit there and mutter something under my breath. We all know how I am. But here's when I have an issue. Janet was literally waving her credit card at the bartenders so she could pay and they were so "involved" in this girls self-promotion that they did not see us. It took nearly 10 minutes for them to see we needed to pay and we were sitting right next to her. But I was good. I only talked loud enough about her for her to hear and not everyone else. I wish I could say I am more mature than that but who would I be kidding. Listen honey, I know you think you are God's gift to Italy and maybe even the rest of the world but you DON'T have a national holiday that 95% of the world recognizes. Just saying'.

Anyway...I really did have a fantastic birthday!

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