Thursday, January 31, 2013

3 Weeks!!

Yep. That's how long I have to wait until I leave for Orlando and the Princess Half Marathon. To say I am excited might be an understatement. Of course, I don't know if I am as excited a Jess who has already picked out her concert outfit and has made her packing list. Sometimes she is more Type A than I am (can you believe that?) but that's why I love her!!

She shared with me today a post by two girls that have done the Princess and I was going to share it here but I decided to come up with my own description. Mind you, this description is simply based on my expectations and the experience as insert in my mind.

People keep asking me when my next half is and I tell them Feb 24th in Orlando. Even though we are going to run the correct amount for a half, 13.1, I'm not sure it's fair to say I am running a half-marathon in Orlando. I say that because for me, this is more about the experience and running with one of my closest friends and celebrating our inner Princess. It's not about setting a PR or pacing myself or making sure I am taking in the correct amount of fluids every 15 minutes. It's about the fact that I am running!! And running along side Jess with our moms and Gwyn on the sidelines cheering their "little girls" on. It's about dressing in a costume even when you are 36 (or 35 for Jess) and everyone around you is dressed in costume too. Its about celebrating with thousands of women the joy that comes with sisterhood and being a woman! So yes, My next half is Feb 24th in Orlando but it really is so much more than that.


  1. I know that it will be a great experience and I look forward to hearing all about it.

  2. AWESOME :) i have chills thinking about it and I hope we get to share many more in the future. Ok-maybe not hlafs, but runs!!!
