Thursday, January 10, 2013

Get Your Hotdogs!!

Funniest thing I have seen all week...Tania hocking hot dogs, popcorn and chips at the high school basketball game. Now I'm not talking about normal people simply asking kids and adults what they would like. Nope. Not here.

Scenario One:

A young man about 16 approaches the concession table trying to decide what to get. I simply ask "What can I get you?" As he considers his options of candy, popcorn or nachos, enter the crazy lady saying (I shan't use the word yelling) "you know you want popcorn. Don't you want popcorn. Here buy some popcorn." He opted not to buy popcorn.

Scenario Two:

Popcorn has been sold. Young girl of maybe 12 or 13 approaches the table and the same crazy lady says "look at this chips. Don't you want some chips? They are going to expire soon." Smart girl...she said no. But only after looking terrorized and me convincing her she really didn't need to buy the chips.

Scenario Three:

Someone (surprisingly NOT the crazy lady) apparently cooked more hot dogs than necessary for a Thursday night basketball game. So what does the crazy lady do??? She starts carrying them around the cafeteria where the concession table is and where the Pep Band is hanging out selling them for 75 cents. Exit yours truly because I just couldn't take it anymore. I return home and get a text from the crazy lady "you missed it! I went into the stands selling hot dogs and the turkey sandwiches and sold them all!!!"

Yes, folks. She does not get out much. And she wonders why her daughter calls her a dork!

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