Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Small Town Woes

I refuse to let the bad people win!!! That is my mantra tonight. Plus in less than 48 hours I will be in Chicago with one of my best friends having a FANTASTIC time and getting to see my boys play!!! I am so stinking excited!!

So I was going to post during the bowls games a smart ass comment (I know you are shocked) about wanting Kansas State to beat Oregon. It's a bit late but I am posting it now. And the ONLY reason I am posting it was to prove a point )again, I know you are shocked). Here's why...

Ever since I started this blog 9 months ago, my only sibling has NOT ONCE read it. And on NYE, I made a comment (ok maybe a drunken comment and maybe more than once) to his friends about posting on my blog. They all thought that the fact that I blog was really cool and wanted to know the website so they could read it. Well of course I took that opportunity (okay again more than once) to let them know that my own brother (my only brother) has never read my blog. Of course he wanted to say that he is SOOOO busy and I never game him the website (PLEASE) and blah blah blah.

So, dear reader(s), THAT is why I am making the comment, all be it late, about wanting K-State to win. Simply to see if he is even reading my blog now. My bet is he isn't.

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