Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Year, Same MK

See, this is why I posted the Happy New Year post early. I knew I would be late getting around to saying Happy New Year. Who knows me better than me????

New Years Eve was a Campbell Kids classic night. There are parts that are not to be shared with folks but pics galore so you can make up your own story. We had every intention of going home and being asleep by 1am since we had a 5K at 10 am the next morning. We all know what they say about the best intentions right?? Well, SOMEONE (not me) said in the cab on the way home that we should go back to the casino (we had already been there once that night) and I was just drunk enough that it sounded like a great idea! Fast forward to 4am, which was about the time I crawled in to bed. BUT...guess who set a new 5K PR on 4 1/2 hours of sleep?? Now mind you, I won't do that all the time but I was quite impressed with myself.

My big adventure this past week, though, was my very first time on snowshoes. And it wasn't just any old snowshoeing experience. It was a 5K Arctic Color Blast dash. Ifnyounare not familiar with those, you get a white shirt and at every kilometer, they throw colored powder on you. It was GREAT!! And I only fell once (and I'm pretty sure it was Tania's fault.)

Yesterday I started the next round of Best Body Bootcamp. I am hoping to see better results this time since I'm not doing too much traveling and can focus more. I am also doing Yoga when I can. My gym doesn't offer classes but has Video On Demand classes and a nice room so it works. I forgot how much I used to enjoy yoga. So I was at the gym last night right after work. I had to do that so I would be done in time for the big game ROLL TIDE ROLL!!! So I had packed my gym bag the night before and when I got to the gym to change clothes I noticed I was missing a rather important garment. Yep. Sports bra. So I got to do my whole workout in a black regular bra. Yeah. That didn't look ridiculous at all. Good thing I wasn't schedule to run.

46 days til Disney!!! Super excited to see everyone and to run the race and see P!nk in concert. This may be the best girls weekend yet!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ummmmm, not my fault she fell.... :)I think it had something to do with her feet
