Sunday, January 27, 2013

Just Call Me Jillian

So my co-workers have decided that I am the next Jillian. As in The Biggest Loser Jillian. And I think they think I would be offended by that. To me, that's a compliment. Here's why they say that. Many of them re working on their weight and one has even asked me to be her coach/motivator. So at lunch, if they are not eating healthy, I might make them feel bad/guilty about it. I do not try to make them feel bad. I am simply pointing out that they could make better choices. :) So tomorrow starts MK's 2013 Food Challenge. No, it's not quite like Food Network's Food Challenge. That usually involves unhealthy, albeit yummy, food. My challenge is an 8 week challenge for them to eat healthy. I even made a chart and bought smiley stickers! I haven't decided what the winner gets (other than healthier eating habits). I have eight weeks to figure it out.

Along those same lines, my friend Tania put an idea in my head a few weeks ago and I am doing research to see how I can accomplish it. She mentioned to me that the YMCA was doing a course to become a personal trainer and she thought I would be good at it. Well, I'm not taking the Y course but I am looking into options to become a personal trainer. It won't be a full time job and I'm not sure if I will do anything more with it beyond coming up with new workouts for myself. But I have had at least one co worker tell me she would pay me to be her trainer. So I guess it's fair to say I really am the next Jillian. Or the Jillian of the Upper Peninsula.

So the trip to Chicago was FANTASTIC!!!!! And the Grizz won in overtime which made it even better!!! But the absolute BEST part was we met Tony Allen's mom after the game. For those of you who are not Grizz fans, TA is one of the best defensive players in the league and coined the phrase "All heart, grit and grind" which is the Grizz motto. It was so cool to meet her and talk to her.

My brother was here this weekend. We had a great, fairly low key time. I took him snowshoeing for his first time because now that I had been one time, I was a pro!!! We had a blast and I am pretty sure I am going to get my own pair. What a workout!!!

One month from today is the Princess Half Marathon and the P!nk concert!!! Super excited for the trip and to see Jess, her mom, G and my mom!! Going to be a great trip.

I was trying to think of a good fun fact for this blog but I am pooped and still have to put laundry away. So I hope dear reader(s), you have a great week!!

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