Monday, February 4, 2013


I really thought they could pull off the win. But I still live them!! And of course there were still-bitter Packers fans at work that decided to give me shit about the game. And I quote (with smug look on her face), "Who won the game Mary Kay?" Now...we all know that it's probably not a good idea to get in a verbal sparring match with me about any of my teams cuz ya ain't gonna like what you get back. "Not the Packers". Yeah I made my point. And of course there was no retort from her.

But my "healthy food" Super Bowl party was quite the soirée. Just a few folks but boy did we have a good time. There were attempts to do The Worm, The Moonwalk, tackling, screaming at the TV, sword fighting, tiara wearing and just all around general merriment. And all while eating healthy food. See...who says you can't eat healthy and have fun??

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