Thursday, December 20, 2012

Who Ordered the Snow?

Oh, I guess that was me!! Of course, I would have preferred it if it had snowed a few days ago so I didn't have to drive 45mph today. But I made it to Chi-town and that's the important thing.

I had a whole list of things to share with you but I forgot what they were. So, this post will be short.

I haven't shared any fun trivia with you this week and I realized this as I was driving today. So in honor of the holiday season, I did a little research on the history of the Christmas tree. Turns out, it is thought to date back to the Middle Ages and a play about Adam and Eve. There was a Paradise Tree that was covered in apples to symbolizes Eve's downfall. The tree used was an evergreen to symbolize fertility and life.

From there, the Germans in the 16th century hung apples, roses and gilded candles from the tree. It is said that King George brought the custom to England and German immigrants continued the tradition once they settled in the United States.

So there is your holiday trivia for today. Gotta be up at o dark thirty tomorrow to fly to California. Don't worry...I am sure I will blog while there (not much else to do!!!)

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