Monday, December 10, 2012

Weird Dreams, Snow and Reindeer

Yeah, that's a weird combination I know. But c'mon now, lets face it. Would I be me if it was a normal combination? Yeah, that's what I thought you would say.

So let's start with the Reindeer. Last Thursday was the annual Christmas Walk in downtown Iron Mountain. Tania and I decided to check it out (Lynea was at a swim meet in which she won first in the 50 Free!). Now, ever since my folks moved to small town America (yes, I realize I now live in small town America but their towns are always smaller than this one), I have seen some small "parades". I use that term very loosely. The rodeo parade in White Sulphur, MT consisted of about 10 entries and they went up the 5 blocks of Main Street and then turned around and came back down Main Street. But the Iron Mountain Christmas Parade was by far the smallest parade I have ever seen! There were two groups walking, one truck with the owner's business on a hand-written sign in the window, a reindeer and a fire truck carrying Santa and Mrs. Claus. Yep. That's it. But it was fun. We wandered around downtown, roasted marshmallows (yummmmmm) and did a bit of shopping (insert shocked expression here). All in all, it was an entertaining evening.

The only complaint I have about that night was the weird dream I had. Apparently my abs were hurting from my bootcamp because in my dream I was accidentally sliced across my stomach by a cute guy with blond dreads. Have I mentioned I hate dreads? So my whole stomach was sutured and right before I woke up, the President of China was touring through a slummy part of Kansas City (where I apparently lived with my new husband (the guy with the dreads)) and rounding up Chinese immigrants (of which I was apparently one even though in my dream I was the same person I really am) and I was lying in bed (because of the stitches) and covered my face so she (yes the President of China in my dream was female) passed by our porch (which apparently is where my bed was) and saw someone lying there covering her face (me) and stopped the procession and came over to uncover my face and then my alarm went off and I woke up. So I was sharing this with Tania and she thinks the China piece was because we walked by a Chinese restaurant and were discussing it. The rest??? Yeah. I have NO idea. Craziest dream I have had in a while.

Anyhoo, I am on the road this week. But it's my last road trip for a while I think. That makes me happy. So does snow! Although when I was driving through the snow last night, I had to dig waaaay back in my memory to remember how to drive in it!

Oh, the other exciting news is that I FINALLY got my brother to agree to a half-marathon location next fall. We are doing the Brussels half-marathon next October! WOOT WOOT! I am so excited to plan it and do my first international race! Plus it will be his 40th birthday celebration. Speaking of races, I have a new idea for my Princess Merida costume for Disney. I will upload pics when it's finished. It's gonna be AWESOME!!!

And so dear readers, on this snowy night in Tomah, Wisconsin, I bid you good night. I hope you all have a wonderful week! And remember, don't do anything I wouldn't do! HAHAHAHAH!!!

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