Friday, December 14, 2012

Break From the Norm

I was going to post a funny blog tonight but in the wake of the events of today, I decided to take a break from the norm and be serious and reflect on the lives lost today. It never ceases to amaze me when these types of things happen. The senselessness of it all; the tragedy of innocent lives lost. This one hit a little too close to home. My friend Marc who I haven't seen in years but who I've known for years is from Newtown, Connecticut and went to Sandy Hook elementary. Luckily, no one he knows was there today at least not that I've heard. I know he's hurting almost as much as the families affected today and it just makes you stop to think how it could be you the next time. Because we all know there will be a next time. Unfortunately the country we live in today as great as it may be still has these senseless acts. We wish it didn't we pray that it won't but we know it will. It's a matter of when not if. So tonight hold your loved ones a little bit closer and tighter and say a prayer for those who can no longer do so. Tomorrow or the next day I will get back to being funny. For tonight, God bless you all.

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