Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Brussels, Here I Come!

I checked the Brussels Marathon page this morning and it was updated recently with the info for the 2013 race. It had previously still been with info for the 2012race since it was just in October. So what did I do with this new information? I registered, of course! So now it's set. October 6, 2013 will be my first international half-marathon. I am already counting down. Well, not really. But I am looking at hotels and such. YAY!!!

Driving from Tomah, WI to Freeport, IL today was beautiful. And definitely rural. But with all of the snow on the ground it was just like a winter wonderland. The roads were clear though so that was good. I discovered many things on the road today. I should have stopped to take pictures of all of them but when you are driving 55 down the highway and you pass something quickly, you don't react quick enough to stop. One of the most interesting things I saw was a large tree stump (probably 7 feet high so maybe not a stump) that was painted to look like Bart Simpson. Kinda cool.

The coolest site today was completely random and unexpected. How many of you remember and/or have ordered from The Swiss Colony? I know I have. Well, guess where it's located? Monroe, WI which is right on the Illinois border. Who knew? So I, of course took some pictures of the front. Here's the problem with driving on these trips in a government car...I couldn't stop and go inside. That's actually probably better for my checkbook anyway but it would have been cool to check it out. But there "plant" or whatever you want to call it was HUGE! And, of course, I had to do a little research once I got to my hotel. So here is a synopsis of how The Swiss Colony came to be:

Ray Kubly, who was from Monroe, WI, was a Senior at UW-Madison and did a business case project on selling cheese from Green County (where Monroe is) via mail-order. When he graduated, he moved back home and decided to implement his business case. He shipped 50 orders his first year and now they are a multiple-business company.

So there is your history/business lesson for the day.

One more gift on the road this week and then I will be home for a week before heading to CA for the holiday.

I decided today that I am going to try to educate you, dear reader(s), on one random piece of trivia each week. Today was Swiss Colony. Stay tuned for the next lesson........

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