Tuesday, December 4, 2012

It's Official!

Yep! That's right! I DID IT!!!!! It was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life but I am so glad and so proud of myself for doing it. And, thanks to Mr. Murphy, I was sick the days up to the race and on race day. But fortunately, I don't remember coughing during the race. Thank heaven for small favors. And it was so great to have my dad, Bill, Teresa and Nelleen there to cheer me on. Here's some pics from the big day!
That last picture was my pre-race dinner compliments of the St. Jude Heroes Pasta Party. Speaking of St. Jude Heroes, here is how much money the 7,000 of us raised...
I'm really glad that I decided to raise money and be a "hero". It made the run extra special. Especially as we were running through the St. Jude campus. There were parents and a few patients who were along the route and cheering specifically for heroes. There were signs people had made just for the heroes too. It was amazing. And definitely made it all worth while. So here are pre-race pictures
My pictures during the race I don't have yet but will post them as soon as I do. Here's the start of the race.
And the finish (yeah, that's relief you see on my face).
And all of us celebrating my big day!
So next up is the Princess Half Marathon in February. I'm sure I will be ready for it but I am taking a few weeks off from long runs. I deserve it. I would share my official time with all of you but since Jess runs her first half-marathon next month I don't want her to have my time to beat :) So I will post my time after January 7th. I know, I'm a stinker! So now that the race is over, I can focus on Christmas! And my apartment really does look like it's Christmas. Though you would never know it to look outside. For living in the UP where I expected tons and tons of snow, it's a bit disappointing that we don't have any. It's snowed once this year and all that is gone. :( I sure hope we get some soon.

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