Sunday, December 16, 2012

I Am A White Mystery

For someone who doesn't do much during the week besides work and workout, I sure did make up for it this weekend. But I'm definitely not complaining. It was a good kind of busy. Unfortunately, my phone has decided to take its sweet time emailing photos so there are some stories here-in that I have pics for but can't include them (again, lets tAke a moment to thank my phone).

Friday night found me inside a high school cafeteria for the first time since, well since I was in high school. And even then I hardly went to the cafeteria (because of courses was too cool for that, wink wink). I volunteered to help sell concessions during the Kingsford girls basketball game. It was fun and just one more reminder of why I am okay not being able to have children. Some people have the patience to deal with pre-teens and teens but I am tone of them. I did have fun, though. It's always fun to hangout with Tania. When she introduced me to folks, they kind of looked at me like they were not sure why I would willingly come help. My response??? This is what you do when you are single in a small town. I think I got some pity laughs.

I had every intention of getting up Saturday morning and going for a run. Yeah, you can figure out how that turned out. I really do need to get back out there though. It's only been two weeks and I have been doing sprint intervals every few days. But a LNG run needs to happen here before too much longer. I did sign up for a 5-K in January and another in February though so that will keep me conditioned. The one in January is a "Color Run" which should be tons of fun!!! If you are not familiar with what a color run is, you get a white shirt and as you run, people throw colored "chalk/dust/powder" in various colors on you as you go by. It's another one of those new things someone created to make it ore fun to run 3.1 miles. Of. Of course at this point, 3 miles is child's play for me!!

I did have a minor injury last night. Turns out scrap booking can be dangerous. I was erasing pencil lines on e paper and brushing it off and my finger ran into the tip of my exacto knife. Turns out, finger tips can bleed like a blankety blank for a LOOOONG time. I took a picture of the paper towels but alas...that's one of the stupid pictures my stupid phone didn't want to send. Let's just say it was a bloody mess (pun intended).

Tania and I drive over to Escanaba today and went to the casino's Spirit of Christmas show. It was a nice show. There were some songs that I'm pretty sure are not Christmas songs but hey, that's what artistic liberties are all about, right? I have a picture of us there too but...

I finally bit the bullet today and paid the 70 flipping dollars to download my half-marathon pictures the contracted photogs took. I will say though there are a few great photos that are SOOOOOO me. I've included them below.

Today is a four-day week for me and then it's off to California for Christmas. I will still blog while there and while in Chicago for New Years. If I don't talk to you before, Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures! They are def you! I wish you a Merry Christmas as well and safe travels. :)
