Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas To All

I don't have a healthy tip or recipe or anything fun and exciting like that. I just wanted to take a moment, while in the Minneapolis Airport at 6:30 pm on Christmas night, to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! I hope your day was filled with family and good cheer! (And maybe a workout or healthy meal) 

Surgery is this Friday so I will see you all on the other side of that with ore words of fitdom for you. Until then, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Get Through the Holidays Without Gaining Weight

‘Twas a week before Christmas and all through the land, the annual struggle to maintain weight was readily at hand. 

Let’s face it.  We eat during the holidays.  It’s what we do.  It’s part of tradition, right?  So how can you eat during the holidays and not gain weight?  I’m not going to lie to you.  It’s not easy.  In fact, it’s probably more difficult than we even realize.  I mean, it’s just one piece of pie.  That can’t hurt anything.  And it probably wouldn’t.  That is, unless, you say that at every meal and then sit on the couch and do nothing.  That’s when it becomes an issue.  Trust me, I have a huge sweet tooth!  I had a holiday cookie exchange last week and have more cookies in my house than I’ve had in a really long time.   And it’s like crack, or at least what I would assume crack is like.  Once I have one, it’s hard to walk away.  WALK AWAY MARY KAY!! JUST WALK AWAY!  Sound familiar? 
Here’s what I recommend.  You can treat yourself to a cookie or a piece of pie.  Don’t deny yourself because that’s just going to lead to binge eating and that is worse than if you let yourself have a treat.  So have that treat but stand up while eating it.  Better yet, walk around while eating it.  It may sound weird and your family may think you’ve lost your mind but you can burn twice as many calories walking rather than sitting.  If you weigh 150 lbs and sit while eating, you will burn roughly 12 calories in 10 minutes.  If you walk while eating, you can burn up to 30 calories.  And 10 minutes isn’t that long!  So if you are eating a piece of pie that has 300 calories in it, you are automatically burning off 30 of those calories by walking around.  Yes, you read that right.  A piece of pie can have more than 300 calories in it.  Think about that…300 calories.  If you are trying to maintain your weight, you typically can eat about 1800 calories (depending on your height, weight and age).  300 of your 1800 calories (or 1/6) coming from one item! YIKES!!  That means that between breakfast, lunch and dinner that day, you only have 1500 calories left!  Walking around while you eat doesn’t sound so bad now does it?  That 30 calories you are burning means one more bite of turkey. 

The other concept behind walking while you eat is that you eat slower and eating slower means you get full faster so you inherently EAT LESS!    Perfect! 

Now don’t get me wrong.  I’m not saying that you should eat all your meals while walking around.  That would be ridiculous.  What I am suggesting is that you look doing things differently.   Going to a holiday party?  That’s the perfect opportunity to do what I’m describing.  Don’t just sit in one spot while you are talking with people.  Move around.  Find various people to talk with.  MINGLE! You can eat while you are doing this and POOF!  You are burning more calories and are less likely to eat too much.  

Are you cooking dinner for your family this year?  That's a great opportunity to burn additional calories.  You are bending to perhaps get something from a lower cupboard, right?  Guess what?  You just did a squat!  Waiting for the water to boil for the potatoes?  Excellent!  Do some leg raises while you are standing there.  Listening to music while you cook?  Great!  Put on some faster tempo Christmas songs and dance while cooking.  I do it all the time.  I make dinner, burn calories and entertain myself all at the same time.  Who knew it was this easy!

In's okay to treat yourself.  lf once or twice this holiday season.  Just don't go overboard and find ways to burn a few extra calories.


Monday, December 9, 2013

Quick and Easy Burrito Recipe

For those of you who know me well, you know I don’t cook.  I’m the queen of PB&J sammiches and cold cereal.  Or at least I was.  Turns out, eating healthy sometimes requires cooking.  Unless, of course, you want salad every day for lunch and dinner.  Yeah, that doesn’t sound appealing at all does it?  So I decided a while back that I probably should start cooking more.  As it turns out, there are quick and easy recipes that even I can make (and generally they turn out pretty good).  One of my recent recipe discoveries that is super easy and super quick is Corn and Black Bean Burritos.  I actually added some chicken as well for a little more protein and I left out the avocado because I don’t do avocado. 

1/4 cup scallions, rinsed and sliced into 1/4-inch wide circles including green tops
1/4 cup celery, rinsed and finely diced
1 1/4 cup frozen yellow corn
1/2 ripe avocado, peeled and diced
2 Tbsp fresh cilantro, chopped
1 can (15 1/2 oz) black beans, drained and rinsed
1/4 cup reduced-fat shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup salsa or taco sauce (look for lowest sodium version)
12 (9-inch) whole wheat tortillas

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Combine scallions, celery and corn in a small saucepan.  Add just enough water to cover.
3. Cover, bring to a boil and reduce heat to medium.  Simmer for 5 minutes, until vegetables soften.  Drain and set aside to cool.
4. Combine avocado, cilantro and beans in a large mixing bowl.  Add cheese and salsa and mix.
5. When corn mixture has cooled slightly, add to avocado mixture.
6. In a large nonstick pan over medium heat, warm each tortilla for about 15 seconds on each side.  Place each tortilla on a flat surface.  Spoon 1/3 cup of the mixture in the center of the tortilla.  Fold the top and bottom of the tortilla over the filling.  Fold in the sides to make a closed packet. 
7. Repeat with remaining tortillas. 
8.  When all tortillas are wrapped, continue heating in the oven 5 minutes, until all are warm and cheese is melted.

12 servings
each serving provides:
calories: 189
total fat: 3 g
saturated fat: 0 g
cholesterol: 0 mg
sodium: 257 mg
total fiber: 3 g
protein: 8 g
carbohydrates: 34 g
potassium: 204 mg


If you try the recipe, comment and let me know what you think. 


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Flabby Arm Remover

Don’t you wish you had the arms you had when you were in your 20s?  I sure do.  It’s amazing how quickly such a small body part becomes flabby.  I never thought it would happen to me.  And then at a baseball game in Memphis, one of my rather straightforward friends poked my arm fat and said “You should do something about that.”  I kind of wanted to punch him but I knew he was right.  It’s not pretty and I hide it well; unless I’m in a sleeveless shirt and waving my arms about.   But I limit that as much as I possibly can because no one wants to see that. 

Here’s an arm workout I recently put together.  If you are just starting out, I recommend trying it with exercise bands rather than weights.  If you don’t have exercise bands, you can use soda cans/bottles or light weights (2-5 pounds).  As the exercises get easier, increase your weights.  I will caution you that you will not use the same amount of weight/same exercise band for each exercise.  You are working different muscles and each muscle may have a different maximum weight it can work.  That’s okay.  Just listen to your body and don’t overdo it, or you won’t be able to hold a pencil the next day.  REMEMBER: FORM IS EVERYTHING!  If you lose your form, decrease your weight. Each exercise has a hyperlink to show you the correct form.  Go through every exercise for Set 1 before you move on to Set 2 and Set 3. 

Warm Up: 5 minute jog

Exercise (10-12 reps)
Set 1 (weight/reps)
Set 2 (weight/reps)
Set 3 (weight/reps)
Biceps Curl
Plank(hold 30-60 seconds)

Cool down: 5 minute jog

Do this workout 2-3 times a week (but not back to back days).  You should start seeing results in a few weeks.
Feel free to post comments on how your workout went!


Monday, December 2, 2013

A Few More of My Favorite Things

It’s been a while since I’ve gone running outside.  That’s what happens when you live in the frozen tundra.    

And I despise the dreadmill so it really limits my running this time of year.  I will say, though, one nice thing about the treadmill is you can change up your running a bit and only look foolish to yourself or anyone else at home (or the gym).  What I mean by changing it up a bit is walking backwards for 5-10 minutes or doing carioca on both sides.  Here are some other options…  Of course, you will be going MUCH slower than you normally do but it’s a good challenge.  And for even more of a challenge, raise the incline some.  One of my fitness groups thought I was a badass for going backwards.  I like to think I am but I really was not going very fast. 
I digress…so I went running yesterday for the first time in a while (see aforementioned frozen tundra).  It was a balmy 30 degrees here about 10:30am so I layered up and went out.  I will admit it was a wee bit chilly at first.  I did a short warm up jog and then decided I should do hill repeats.  If you are not familiar with those, it’s when you run your max up a hill and then jog back down.  You are supposed to do this general 8-10 times.  However, when you haven’t done hill repeats in eons of time, you only make it through 4 before you decide maybe you should just go for a regular run.  I certainly warmed up though.  While on my run, I began thinking about what other gifts I could suggest to you, my dear readers, for this holiday season.  I came up with a few, though I will say that most of them are running-related.  I was, after all, on a run.   
Before I go into the gift ideas, I do want to tell you about a great app that is a must for runners/walkers in locations that tend to have 4 actual seasons.  It’s an app called “What Should I Wear Running” and I love it!  You can select your preference for how you like to run.  Do you like to be warm during winter or a little cooler?  Additionally, it automatically identifies your location and the current weather.  Based on that and your preferences, it provides you a list of what to wear for your run that day.  There is also a manual setting where you can provide the weather input.  Have I mentioned I love this app?  I highly recommend it.  I did a search for other apps similar to this and there is one for cycling, as well.  However, it’s not free so I don’t know much about it.  If you test out the app, comment here and let me know what you think.  Do you know of a better app?  Let me know that, too.  I’m certainly open to other options.

Now for other gift ideas for the runner in your life:

v  Asics hat ($25) – by now you know how I feel about Asics.  If I could wear all Asics, all the time I would.  Unfortunately, it’s difficult to find Asics apparel in the stores up here.  Most of my apparel from Asics was purchased on-line but there’s something to be said for being able to try on your workout clothes.  I will say, though, that the Asics running hat I have is great!  There are several hats on the Asics website but I recommend the fleece beanie.  This has a hole for a ponytail which is wonderful.  It does cover the ears but I also put a headband around it to keep it (and my headphones) in place. 

v  Asics running mittens ($20) – I know, I know.  You are shocked to see another Asics recommendation.  These mittens/gloves are wonderful for cold weather running.  They are actually fingerless gloves that have a mitten component that you can use when you are cold and it folds back and velcros if you want to give your fingers a little air. 

My favorite part of them, though, is the fleece thumb that you can use to wipe your nose when it starts running too.  Unfortunately, when I was on the Asics website recently, they no longer offer those gloves on their site.  I did however, find them on .  I highly recommend these.  If they keep my hands warm up here in the bitter cold, I’m sure they will work for you!

v  Petzl E91 PF Tikkina 2 Headlamp ($15-$50) – I bought a head lamp this year because when the sun starts setting early, I still want to be able to run.  I bought this particular one and really like having it.  It has two settings for the lights and provides about 10-15 feet of light in front of you.  It secures nicely to the head and has an adjustable strap.  There are various styles and prices but really this basic one is all I need.  Most of the time, I forget it’s there.  Oh, and it comes in handy when your power goes out and all you have to do is read but need light by which to read.  On that, I am speaking from experience and you can take that to the bank.  J

v  Compression socks/sleeves ($10-$50) – I haven’t had as much success with these as other runners I know but I thought I’d list them anyway.  I’m pretty sure it has to do with the quality of the socks (I may have purchased the cheap ones) so I recommend spending a little more to get more benefit from them.  I did, however, purchases compression sleeves for my calves during the Brussels Half-Marathon and really like them.  They not only kept my calves warm without causing me to overheat but my legs felt loose the majority of the race. 

v  P90X ($125) – Beachbody is on their 3rd version of this workout program.  I’ve only done the original and let me tell ya, you definitely sweat with this!  It’s been several years since I’ve done the whole program but periodically, I will do the Kenpo X workout just for something different.  Each time, I forget (then quickly realize) how tough it is.  I have several friends who have done other Beachbody series workouts and have seen great results.  As a personal trainer, I try to come up with my own workouts but I have seen the value in these.  If you do decide to buy anything from Beachbody, please go through my dear friend Jessica Proctor at  She is a Beachbody coach and can help you find the workout to fit your needs (or whomever you are purchasing for). 

That wraps up my list of my favorite things.  Just call me Oprah.  No, don’t do that because then I would have to give you all these things for free.  That’s not going to happen. Sorry.  Happy shopping to you all! 


Friday, November 29, 2013

Holiday Fitness Ideas

It’s the day after Thanksgiving and all through the house…oh wait…I’m getting ahead of myself in my holidaze. 

So how did you do with your Thanksgiving meals?  Did you avoid overeating?  I hope so.  I did better than normal but probably could have skipped that second helping of pumpkin trifle.  I did work it all off though with Wii Just Dance.  I had never done it before so it was quite the experience.  And it’s definitely a workout!  WOW!  Unfortunately, it didn’t do much for my sore back.  I’m still paying for that. 

In the spirit of Black Friday or the upcoming Cyber Monday, I decided to spend this blog talking about great fitness/wellness gifts for those on your list at various levels of their fitness.  Or maybe even you will find one or two items that you just have to have for yourself.  My recommendations here are based simply on my experience.  I receive no compensation from the companies involved (though that would be nice if I did). 

v  Stability ball ($10-$20) – you’ve seen one stability ball, you’ve seen them all.  That’s why I didn’t include a manufacturer.  Sure you can spend extra money for a “brand name” ball but really, it’s not worth it.  They all function the same.  The nice thing about stability balls is that anyone at any fitness level can benefit from using it.  Most stability balls also come with an exercise sheet as well so you don’t have to come up with your own exercises, though you certainly can if you are so inclined.  I will warn you, though, that it does take some time to inflate them if you are using a hand pump.  But that’s just a good arm workout for you.

v  Hand weights ($5-$50 depending on weight)– as with the stability ball, hand weights are really a dime a dozen so there is no need to spend a lot of money on name brand weights.  You can get them in sets or you can get them individually.  It’s really a matter of preference.  If you are buying them for someone who is just starting out, I recommend buying 3lb, 5lb and 8lb weights.  That allows the person to start of easy but also have something to work toward. 

v  Garmin 405 GPS Watch ($250-$300) – When I was looking for a GPS watch for running a few years ago, I asked several other runners what type of watch they prefer.  There were a few folks who are partial to Nike but the majority of folks recommended Garmin.  My best running friend had just purchased the 405 and couldn’t stop raving about it.  I’m right there with her.  I absolutely love my Garmin.  Periodically, I will run without it just to run but most runs I have it.  It’s nice because not only does it tell your pace and your mileage, it also comes with a heart monitor so you can check your heart rate.  It also has this great feature called “Virtual Buddy.”  You can set that buddy to a certain pace and it will tell you how far behind or ahead of that buddy you are.  It’s a great way to keep you motivated if you are feeling sluggish.  It uploads easily to the Garmin website where you can track your progress, name your runs, etc.  It also syncs with websites like “Daily Mile” with just a click of the mouse.  There are numerous Garmin watches but I’m only familiar with the 405 and I highly recommend it if you are a runner or a walker at any level.  You will not regret it. 

v  Kettle bells ($5-$50) – Kettle bells are quickly becoming the new “thing” in fitness.  They are great because you can do a variety of moves easier than with hand weights.  There are even kettle bell classes or workouts you can find on-line or at your local gym.  They come in a variety of weights just like hand weights but typically start at 5 pounds.  What’s nice about the kettle bell is they are easier to hold which allows for more movements/exercises.  Don’t think you are not getting a workout though because you really are. 

v  Exercise Bands ($15-$40) – I found a set of these on ebay for like $15 and they came with a storage bag.  Exercise bands are nice because they come in a variety of resistance so you can start off easy and build up to the black band which is pretty difficult.  They are often easier for beginners than hand weights but you are still working the same muscles/getting the same results.  As with the stability ball, they typically come with an exercise guide but there are also numerous videos to watch. 

v  Foam Roller ($10-$50) – Whoever decided to create the foam roller was a bloody genius!  He or she was definitely a runner, I know that much.  But even if you are not a runner, I highly recommend the foam roller for post-workout.  Those of us who use foam rollers like to say they “hurt so good.”  And I must warn you that the first few times you use it, it will hurt like the bloody dickens.  But after a few times of regular use, it will just feel like heaven.  I remember last year when Mom came to visit.  I had gone for a run and came back and started using my foam roller.  She looked at me like I was crazy and I told her it was like giving myself a massage.  That’s the best way to describe them.  It’s good on the quads, hamstrings, calves, abs, glutes and, most importantly, your IT band.  No.  Not Information Technology band.  Your iliotibial band.  That’s the connective tissue that runs from the outside of your hip to the inside of your knee.  It rarely gets stretched enough but is used during most forms of exercise.  Your IT band and your foam roller will become instant besties. 

v  Subscription to Self, Fitness, Runner’s World, Bicycling or any other fitness-related magazine  ($25-50/year) – Not sure what type of equipment to buy the fitness person in your life?  A subscription to a magazine is a great gift!  I have received Runner’s World for the past three years as a gift from my Dad and it’s the gift that keeps on giving.  I also subscribe to Self and Fitness and between those three magazines, I get some great tips for new workouts/exercises, nutritional ideas and some heartwarming stories.

v  Asics Shoes ($55-$190) – Those of you who know me, know that I am an Asics girl through and through.  I refuse to run or workout in anything but Asics.  I will admit that this started when one of my best friends started working for Asics thus giving me an unbelievable good deal on the shoes.  However, I will admit that I grew to love them for running.  I tried running in other shoes and they just aren’t for me.  Asics come in a variety of styles depending on your feet needs (over-pronation, under-pronation, etc) and awesome colors, of course!!  If you have the money to spend on really good running shoes, I highly recommend the Kinsei or Kinetic style.  They are definitely more expensive but worth every penny.  They provide more cushioning without being bulky and heavy.  If you are just looking for good shoes to workout in, I recommend any of the GT series. 

v  Lululemon Clothing (various prices depending on item) – I know you all have heard the news about the Lululemon CEO and his big mouth that got him in trouble over their yoga pants.  While I do agree that maybe he should have quit while he was ahead, it certainly hasn’t influenced my decision to shop there.  Reason??  High quality, comfortable clothing that lasts.  I have yet to have a problem with their pants being sheer or see-through or anything but amazingly comfortable.  Their tops are also great for running, yoga, weights or most any other form of exercise. 

v  Endorphin ($15-$50) – This is a great website I discovered by accident.  They make warrior bracelets, rings, necklaces, t-shirts and other items with single words or phrases to inspire you.  I first bought the “persevere” bracelet to remind myself what I’ve been through with my hip surgeries.  Anytime I am running or doing a difficult workout, I look at that bracelet and it reminds me to push through.  I also have the “courage” bracelet to remind me that I have the courage to do anything I set my mind to.  This company is such an uplifting group and their customer service is awesome.  I had my “courage” bracelet only about two weeks before the lettering started to fade.  I sent them an email about it and they sent me a new bracelet no questions asked.  Great company!

Whatever you decide for your fitness friends (or even yourself), make sure it’s appropriate for your fitness level and won’t be something that just sits on the shelf.  Building up your equipment supply also doesn’t have to cost a fortune.  I’ve found a lot of my equipment on ebay for very reasonable prices and often with free shipping.   Remember…it’s the thought that counts not how much you spent. 




Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Helpful Tips for Thanksgiving Feasts

The holiday season officially kicks-off tomorrow with Thanksgiving and it’s important that we remember not to go too crazy with all the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, yams, pumpkin pie, pecan pie…It’s easy to overeat this time of year.  We’ve all been known to do it.  I’m willing to bet that most of us also regretted it shortly after.  Am I right??  We may have regretted it for different reasons.  Feeling like your stomach is going to explode because you ate too much.  Feeling guilty that you ate way more than you had planned and now you feel like you have to run a marathon to balance out the calories.  Feeling sleepy because of all the tryptophan.  Okay that last one may be an old wives tale, according to the internet.  Regardless of the reason for your regret, you still overate.  Here are some helpful tips (some are my own and some are from said internet) to make sure you don’t overeat/feel regret. 

1.       Portion control – I feel like sometimes this is a dirty word.  People throw it around but no one really wants to talk about how difficult it is or how important it is.  My grandfather used to say “Too much applesauce will kill ya.”  He was a very wise man.  While it sounds silly to say too much applesauce will kill you and while it’s probably not true, it’s never been disproved though, his point was everything in moderation.  It’s not easy to do.  We’ve been given this gift called will power and some of us have it and some of us maybe need to work on it a little bit.  What better time than Thanksgiving to start?  Here’s what I recommend for portion control…when you are passed a dish, think about how much you want (be honest) and then take half of that.  So if you want two scoops of potatoes, take one.  If you want 3 pieces of turkey, take one medium size piece and one small piece.  The key, though, is to be honest with yourself about how much you want.  Don’t tell yourself you want more than you really do just so you can have an extra serving.  That defeats the purpose. 

2.       Don’t Put the Food on The Table – We all are used to sitting around a table with tons and tons of food in the middle and passing the dishes around, right?  Well, what if you left the food on the counter or better yet, in the kitchen?  What happens then?  You are probably going to be less likely to go back for seconds if you have to get up from your seat and walk into another room.  If it’s your own home, you have more control over this than if you are a guest.  Chances are, though, if it’s someone close to you, you can explain what you are trying to do (stay healthy and not overeat) and they will be willing to help you out.  It’s good for everyone, really.  Not just you. 

3.       Engage in the Conversation – If you’re talking, you’re not eating.  It’s a simple as that. 

4.       Don’t Eat Everything on Your Plate – I was raised in a home where I had to eat every single morsel of food on my plate before I could be excused from the table.  In fact, legend has it that my dad and I had a standoff at the dining room table one night because I wouldn’t finish my dinner.  While I don’t remember that incident (but am not surprised by it), I’m pretty sure I won.  At least that’s the version of the story I tell myself.  Anyway, it turns out that not eating everything on your plate is actually a good thing.  It keeps you from overeating.  Yes, I realize there are hungry children all over the world and even in America.  And my heart goes out to them, it really does.  But that doesn’t mean I have to eat every single bite of food made.  If that was the case, I would be as big as a house with all of the leftovers I have cooking for one person.  In order to avoid having a tremendous amount of food left on your plate, please refer back to Number 1 – Portion control. 

5.       When You Think You are Full, STOP EATING!! – When you think you are full, you probably are.  It doesn’t do you any good to keep eating simply because the food is there.  Even if everyone else is still eating, put your fork down.  In fact, take your plate to the kitchen and put it in the sink.  Then go back to the dining table. 
6.       It’s Just Another Meal – For some reason, we all go crazy at Thanksgiving thinking that the point of the holiday is to eat as much food as well possibly can.  Why is that?  Honestly, it’s just another meal.  The point of Thanksgiving is to be with family and friends and celebrate what you are thankful for and the blessings in your life.  Yes, we are all thankful for the food we have but that’s not what I’m talking about.  Would the holiday be any less meaningful if you didn’t overeat?  Would your family and friends feel less appreciated if you don’t have that piece of pie?  Probably not.  In fact, you might inspire them to follow in your footsteps. 

I hope you find some of these tips helpful as you gear up for tomorrow.  Remember, it’s okay to enjoy the day and the food.  Just don’t go crazy.  You will only regret it. 

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Dealing With Life

I really struggled today with what to blog about.  There is a lot going on in my life right now and I've been hiding out trying to avoid it.  You ever do that?  It's a terrible way to deal with stress, I know.  So there I was wallowing in self-pity, stressing out about big decisions in front of me and then I got a text a few days ago that put it all in perspective.  "xxx's cancer is back."  I purposely am not including the person's name here because it's not relevant to the story and it's not my place to share it with everyone.  What is relevant is the impact those four words had on me and the perspective they gave me.  Yes, I'm dealing with a lot of life's curveballs but I'm relatively healthy.  Not everyone can say that. 

The "c"-word, as my best friend described it, sucks.  Whether it's prostate (as in the case with my father), breast, ovarian, skin or any other kind, it sucks.  Plain and simple.  So what can we do about it?  It's going to happen, right?  Well, yes.  There are some forms of cancer that just occur in people for no apparent reason (as in the case of my friend).  Some cancers though are preventable. 

That's why I encourage you to eat right, exercise and get plenty of sleep.  It's not always possible to do that 7 days a week but the more you do, the less likely your chance of life-threatening illness like cancer.  Things as simple as taking a walk a few times a week can get you back on the right track.  Cutting out fatty foods.  Drinking more water (and less soda, coffee, alcohol). 

As we approach Thanksgiving, remember the things for which you are thankful.  Give an extra hug to your family and friends.  It's okay to stress out about what is going on in your life but do so with perspective.  Most importantly, be the best version of you you can. 


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Outside the Zone

There’s something to be said for pushing yourself past your comfort zone.  It’s a humbling experience, if nothing else.  While I fully believe in one-on-one personal training and the results that can happen (see if you would like to sign up for a consultation), I also find value in attending a fitness class to change up my routine a bit.  As a result, I signed up for 5 weeks of Gravity classes.  For those of you who are not familiar with this workout, it’s similar to TRX training that engages your core as you move through various exercises.  Imagine holding two thick straps attached to a beam and doing pushups, pull ups, lateral flys and rows and then putting your feet in those straps and doing planks, push-ups, etc.  Yep…it’s as tough as it sounds.  It also puts you in your place as far as how fit you think you are.  I was super excited, though, at last night’s class because it was only my second class and I was able to get up in a handstand (twice!)  That's not me in the video though :)

So what’s your comfort zone when working out?  How can you push past it?  I challenge each of you to try a new workout this week.  Many gyms offer drop-in or walk-in prices for their fitness classes.  If you don’t have access to a gym or fitness class or prefer to work out on your own, look on-line.  There are tons of websites and you-tube channels devoted to fitness.  If you really want to step out of your comfort zone and try something tough, I recommend doing a HIIT workout.  HIIT is high-intensity interval training and it is guaranteed to make you sweat and get your blood pumping.  There are many types of HIIT workouts from AB AB to Tabata and most do 20-30 second intervals with 10 seconds of rest between each exercise.  Many of them often do not even need weights.  I simply love HIIT workouts but generally only do them once a week.  They are tough on your body so it’s best to limit the number you do to ensure your body gets ample rest and you do not cause damage to your joints and muscles.  You can also do HIIT workouts on the treadmill, if you like to run and want to change up your running routine.  Running all out for short spurts with jogging recovery is enough to make even the fittest runner tear up. 

Remember, you can do anything you set your mind to.  It’s not a matter of physical limitations, it really is mind over matter.  If you tell yourself you can do it, then you will succeed. 


Monday, November 18, 2013

Healthy Habit Challenge

Happy Monday everyone!  It’s the start of a new week so let’s make it the start of a new healthy habit as well.  It doesn’t have to be a big habit.  All of us have room for improvement in our lifestyles no matter how healthy we are.  Here are some suggestions to get you thinking.  Feel free to use one of these or come up with your own. 

                                *Substitute a large glass of water for one cup of coffee, soda, tea or sports drink

                                *Get up out of your office chair and walk for 5 minutes at least once a day

                                *Trade a non-healthy snack for celery and almond butter, apple slices, a handful of almonds, carrot sticks, or some other healthy snack

*Go to bed 30 minutes earlier than normal and see if it has an impact on how you feel the next day

                                *Turn off the TV during dinner and eat slower.  Do you feel full sooner? 

                                *Do 25 crunches while watching TV at night

                                *Take the stairs at work instead of the elevator at least once per day

I would love to hear what you came up with!  You can share your new habit in the comments section, if you are comfortable with that.  If you’re not comfortable sharing in this forum, tell someone close to you.  Have them help hold you accountable.  That’s often one of the most difficult things about getting and staying healthy – accountability.  I have found that it is better for me if I share my goals with at least one person because when they ask me how I’m doing, I am just competitive enough (I know, it’s shocking) that I don’t want to have to say I haven’t been following through.  It’s not that it’s a competition with the person holding me accountable.  It’s the competition within myself to bet better than I thought I could.  That and I really hate failure! 

So my new healthy habit will be to only drink one Diet Coke each day.  If you know me, you know this is a HUGE step for me as I may or may not be addicted to Diet Coke.  But, I’ve done it before and survived so I know I can do it. 

Good luck with your new healthy habit.  You can do it!