Sunday, November 24, 2013

Dealing With Life

I really struggled today with what to blog about.  There is a lot going on in my life right now and I've been hiding out trying to avoid it.  You ever do that?  It's a terrible way to deal with stress, I know.  So there I was wallowing in self-pity, stressing out about big decisions in front of me and then I got a text a few days ago that put it all in perspective.  "xxx's cancer is back."  I purposely am not including the person's name here because it's not relevant to the story and it's not my place to share it with everyone.  What is relevant is the impact those four words had on me and the perspective they gave me.  Yes, I'm dealing with a lot of life's curveballs but I'm relatively healthy.  Not everyone can say that. 

The "c"-word, as my best friend described it, sucks.  Whether it's prostate (as in the case with my father), breast, ovarian, skin or any other kind, it sucks.  Plain and simple.  So what can we do about it?  It's going to happen, right?  Well, yes.  There are some forms of cancer that just occur in people for no apparent reason (as in the case of my friend).  Some cancers though are preventable. 

That's why I encourage you to eat right, exercise and get plenty of sleep.  It's not always possible to do that 7 days a week but the more you do, the less likely your chance of life-threatening illness like cancer.  Things as simple as taking a walk a few times a week can get you back on the right track.  Cutting out fatty foods.  Drinking more water (and less soda, coffee, alcohol). 

As we approach Thanksgiving, remember the things for which you are thankful.  Give an extra hug to your family and friends.  It's okay to stress out about what is going on in your life but do so with perspective.  Most importantly, be the best version of you you can. 


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