Monday, November 18, 2013

Healthy Habit Challenge

Happy Monday everyone!  It’s the start of a new week so let’s make it the start of a new healthy habit as well.  It doesn’t have to be a big habit.  All of us have room for improvement in our lifestyles no matter how healthy we are.  Here are some suggestions to get you thinking.  Feel free to use one of these or come up with your own. 

                                *Substitute a large glass of water for one cup of coffee, soda, tea or sports drink

                                *Get up out of your office chair and walk for 5 minutes at least once a day

                                *Trade a non-healthy snack for celery and almond butter, apple slices, a handful of almonds, carrot sticks, or some other healthy snack

*Go to bed 30 minutes earlier than normal and see if it has an impact on how you feel the next day

                                *Turn off the TV during dinner and eat slower.  Do you feel full sooner? 

                                *Do 25 crunches while watching TV at night

                                *Take the stairs at work instead of the elevator at least once per day

I would love to hear what you came up with!  You can share your new habit in the comments section, if you are comfortable with that.  If you’re not comfortable sharing in this forum, tell someone close to you.  Have them help hold you accountable.  That’s often one of the most difficult things about getting and staying healthy – accountability.  I have found that it is better for me if I share my goals with at least one person because when they ask me how I’m doing, I am just competitive enough (I know, it’s shocking) that I don’t want to have to say I haven’t been following through.  It’s not that it’s a competition with the person holding me accountable.  It’s the competition within myself to bet better than I thought I could.  That and I really hate failure! 

So my new healthy habit will be to only drink one Diet Coke each day.  If you know me, you know this is a HUGE step for me as I may or may not be addicted to Diet Coke.  But, I’ve done it before and survived so I know I can do it. 

Good luck with your new healthy habit.  You can do it!


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