Sunday, December 8, 2013

Flabby Arm Remover

Don’t you wish you had the arms you had when you were in your 20s?  I sure do.  It’s amazing how quickly such a small body part becomes flabby.  I never thought it would happen to me.  And then at a baseball game in Memphis, one of my rather straightforward friends poked my arm fat and said “You should do something about that.”  I kind of wanted to punch him but I knew he was right.  It’s not pretty and I hide it well; unless I’m in a sleeveless shirt and waving my arms about.   But I limit that as much as I possibly can because no one wants to see that. 

Here’s an arm workout I recently put together.  If you are just starting out, I recommend trying it with exercise bands rather than weights.  If you don’t have exercise bands, you can use soda cans/bottles or light weights (2-5 pounds).  As the exercises get easier, increase your weights.  I will caution you that you will not use the same amount of weight/same exercise band for each exercise.  You are working different muscles and each muscle may have a different maximum weight it can work.  That’s okay.  Just listen to your body and don’t overdo it, or you won’t be able to hold a pencil the next day.  REMEMBER: FORM IS EVERYTHING!  If you lose your form, decrease your weight. Each exercise has a hyperlink to show you the correct form.  Go through every exercise for Set 1 before you move on to Set 2 and Set 3. 

Warm Up: 5 minute jog

Exercise (10-12 reps)
Set 1 (weight/reps)
Set 2 (weight/reps)
Set 3 (weight/reps)
Biceps Curl
Plank(hold 30-60 seconds)

Cool down: 5 minute jog

Do this workout 2-3 times a week (but not back to back days).  You should start seeing results in a few weeks.
Feel free to post comments on how your workout went!


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