Saturday, September 1, 2012

Week's End

What a week! It's been fantastic to be home all week and not feel like I'm running a marathon. Pun intended. But it really has been nice to be home. Though you would think Rolo is not sure I'm really not going anywhere for a few days. Every day I come home, she is at the top of the stairs waiting for me to open the door and come home. It's kind of pitiful! I think she will be very happy come winter when I am home all the time! My training this week kind of stalled. Well, ok. I was just lazy! But I have solved that problem. See what I realized is that when I was in Memphis I was getting up at 5 am EVERYDAY (well Monday through Friday) to either run or go to the trainer. Since I've been here, I've only been getting up on Tuesday and Thursday at 5am and sleeping until 6:30am the other three days. That apparently was not nice to do to my body :) So I joined a gym this week and starting next week, I will be back to getting up at 5am every day. Which also means I will be back to going to bed at 9 or 9:30pm every night. No more fun and games for me. But it's worth it. And between now and then, I'm going to enjoy my three day weekend!!

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