Sunday, September 23, 2012

First 10-K In the Books!

As I mentioned earlier this week, my first 10-K was yesterday in Chicago. And I am very pleased to say that it was probably my best race ever! I felt like the MK before the hip injury and surgery. I don't want to gloat too much (aww heck, why not) but I ran all but .25 miles of the 6.2 mile race. And I didn't walk until after the first 4 miles. It felt so amazing! And before the race, we all got a little bit funky!
Here's the proof kids...
It was such a great feeling to finish that race! And then, of course, was the 5 hour drive home. But it's okay because I capped off the day with a soak in the hot tub. YAY!! I'm back home for a couple of weeks and that means, heading to the gym for the first time (even though I joined like a month ago!) Looking forward to getting back on a regular schedule at the gym. Oh...and I did a bit of decorating as well.
I love Halloween! And I'm having a party so of course I have to go all out! It should be a fantastic event and let's all remember..."what happens at the Halloween party, stays at the Halloween party!" Have a great week!!

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