Monday, August 27, 2012

No Broken Bones

Spent this weekend in Chicago with my brother the triathlete. I was so proud of him. Here's a few pics from his race.
What a great job he did! 51st out of 579! Not too shabby for his first ever triathlon. Speaking of firsts, I had my first running accident this weekend. I was running on Sunday around my brother's neighborhood and the sidewalk jumped up and bit me. I ended up spread eagle on the sidewalk on a VERY busy street. But I got up and ran three miles (until the pain got unbearable).
Luckily, I got in to the dentist today and it's good as new!! In addition to all that fun, I FINALLY got my living room rug at IKEA. And I got a new display case for my martini glasses. I've been looking for one for a few years and I found one at a good price. Then I had the joy of trying to put it together...
And I'm home for a whole week and a half!! YAY!!! Maybe I'll have time to blog more this week.

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