Monday, September 3, 2012

I Usually Don't Go by Societal Standards

God love my friend Karissa. She always gives me the best titles for my blogs. And there are usually good stories behind them. Unfortunately for all of you, they are usually stories I cannot share. Just know that it was a fantastic story and had us laughing for a few miles as we drove home from camp. Yep. That's how I spent my Saturday, up at camp. It was so much fun. It was Karissa's best friend Carrie's camp over on the eastern end of the UP outside a little town called Rock, MI. Beautiful part of the world. Of course, Saturday was also the season opener for both Alabama and Michigan. I had to represent (read: wear my Bama gear in the middle of a Michigan bar) but I promise all of you I was relatively well behaved. In fact, there was another Bama fan in the bar and we were nice and did not rub it in when the game was over. Here's some pics of that night and camp.
So I decided that I need to buy recreational property up here. It was one of those decisions you make when you are caught up in the moment and have had a few beverages. No...I did not purchase anything just yet. I wasn't that drunk!! But I did propose to my mom that we buy a piece of property. Yeah, that was a pretty hard sell. She loves the woods more than I do. So now I am going to spend my spare time looking on line and in person at different properties. Haven't decided if it will be river or lake, UP or Wisconsin so stay tuned. For now, have a great week!!

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