Sunday, May 20, 2012

What A Week!

So I had a busy week.  Lots of travel but had a great outreach event at Fort McCoy.  And what a beautiful base that is!  I wish I'd thought to take pictures.  Talked with over 50 Veterans and got some interested in using VA healthcare!  I really enjoy talking with them and helping them understand that even if they have private insurance, they can still use VA if they qualify.  So I'm going to follow up with them this week (in between all my traveling) and hopefully get some enrolled! 

No brainiac moments for me on the drive to and from Fort McCoy but I did stop and take some pictures of interesting things along the way. 

I thought this rock formation was cool.  When I drove past it on my way down, I was going too fast to stop.  On my way home, I was paying extra close attention to the road signs so I didn't miss it!

You know I had to stop and take a picture of this...

And of course this...

Now I don't know if you can see what is at the very bottom of that sign but I choose to pretend it's not there.  I refuse to accept that those buffies are being sold for meat.  I like to think that they are just hanging out, grazing and just enjoying life! 

So I got home Saturday early evening and decided to go out for a drink.  Now mind you, I don't (or didn't) have anyone to go out with so I was flying solo.  I started at a bar across the state line called "Hitch -n- Post".  As you can imagine by the name, it's a country bar.  But actually, they had a pretty good band that played old school rock covers.  Now the folks that were there??  WOWWIE WOW WOW!  As I texted to one of my friends, the hair the women had was bigger than the Empire State Building and probably more flammable! 

So since I was afraid I was going to be caught in a burning building, I vacated and went to a bar "downtown" Iron Mountain.  I've been to Sol Blue a couple of times but it was never really busy.  Last night they had live music and there were lots of people.  Of course, I sat there by myself (are you crying for me yet?) and watched the basketball game.  This guy walks in with a CU football shirt on and I almost fell off my chair!  I couldn't believe it.  So of course I went to talk to him to see if he played at CU and he didn't.  He's actually from Iron Mountain but lived in Fort Collins for a year or so.  Yeah...that was stimulating conversation.  So I returned to my seat and then I saw someone I had met last weekend at a YP event.  So I went up to say hi and she took pity on me (for being by myself) and introduced me to her friends and, let's just say that I have found my new peeps!  She is freaking HILARIOUS!!  She reminds me of my friend Tammy in Memphis.  They could be sisters, they are cut from the same cloth!  I was so excited to meet single, 30-something women who were fun just like me!! So we had a grand time all night!  We actually ended up back at the Hitch -n- Post and then as her nephew was driving us back "downtown" we were all laughing and joking and then all of a sudden there was a freaking deer (okay, we might have used a different f-word) literally in the middle of the road.  We only knicked it but it scared the crap out of us and sent us into laughing fits!  Then there was the attempt (not by me due to the bad hip) to lift up a MG that was parked out front.  I took a picture of it but my camera on my phone doesn't do flash well so it's just a black photo.   And the "kidnapping" of a random guy who kept saying "I don't know where I'm going!"  There is something hilarious in riding in van and having a 36-year old women (NOT ME) open the door and say "hey you.  get in the van.  yeah you with the hat.  get in the van" and then we drive off with him in the van.  I'm not sure he nor Karen's nephew really were expecting us to be that crazy! 

So it turns out...I can have fun in Iron Mountain!  And there ARE people for me to hang out with!  HALELUJAH!!! 

So at breakfast this morning, I learned something new.  There is an instrument called a polka cello or stump fiddle and this is what it looks like.  And according to the website, it is common in Wisconsin, Minnesota and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Apparently, there is a bar matron in town that owns one and has been known to play it whilst tending bar. This I gotta see! 

Party Fiddle Factory’s - “Stump Fiddles”

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