Saturday, May 12, 2012

Starting Off...

So one of my good friends recently shared her blog with me and I thought to myself: "Mary Kay (yes I refer to myself in 3rd person), you should write a blog.  You've thought about it before and with everything going on in your life, now is as good a time to start as any.  So here I am. 

The title of my blog is appropriate, I think, because my life is kind of crazy sometimes.  Either that or I'm crazy.  I think the jury is still out on that.  But for those of you who know me well, I LOVE new adventures.  Whether it's moving to the U.P. not knowing a soul or taking a trip to China, it's all about the adventure.  Here is a pic of my first adventure in my new home from a few weeks ago...

So my other new adventure is training for my very first half-marathon in December.  Considering I just had hip surgery in February, I think that's a pretty stinkin' good adventure to be on.  Training is going a little slow right now but I think once I get to full speed, it will fly by. 

Oh, and I'm planning an adventure to Italy and France with my bestie Janet!  It's for a special birthday she's having but I will not reveal which birthday here for fear she do the same when I have a special birthday!  I will be blogging from there too so stay tuned.

In the meantime, I will continue to find more adventures here in the woods (especially once I'm not living in a hotel and am in my apartment!)

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