Thursday, May 31, 2012

Setting Chicago on Fire (again)

Well we didn't exactly set it on fire but we did have a hell of a good time!!  There are definitely advantages to living this close to my brother!  Here's a summary of what happened this weekend (with some censoring, of course).
Friday I drove down after work and it was a pretty chill night.  Went to dinner and Hamburger Mary's (close enough to my name for it to count as a restaurant named for me).  Nothing too adventurous that night though I will say my brother is NOT SO ADVENTUROUS when it comes to his frozen yogurt.  Ask him next time you see him.  He thought I was the weird one but c'mon now...

Saturday was quite adventurous though it didn't start that way.  We had to go to IKEA:

 because I can't NOT go!  Then ran some errands including a trip to Bed, Bath and Beyond for a mattress cover for my bro.  He thought my cat had fleas and accused her of such a few weeks ago.  Can you believe that?  The only thing this adorable tubby kitten could have is a case of the cute as a bug syndrome. 

His neighbor said she thought they had bed bugs so we decided to check out his mattress before putting the microfiber/seal/keeper of the bugs out cover on.  Yeah...that was not fun!  I'm typically not squeamish but when there is a gross bug crawling across my boob, I'm gonna freak out!  And I did!  That was followed by a deep clean of the whole room, putting items in garbage bags and sealed to be taken to the dry cleaners or the laundromat cuz I ain't about to bring those creepy critters home with me and we didn't want to put them in his washer.  So, after that fun-filled adventure (3 hours later), we went out for drinks.  Can ya' blame us??  I STILL feel like I have bugs crawling over me!!

Sunday was a FABULOUS beach day...

'Nuff said...

Monday was ballpark #17 for little ol' me.  Only 13 more and I like to think that I'm the reason the Cubbies FINALLY won a game!

The best part of Wrigley Field, in my humble opinion, is this:

Seriously??  It's like this was made for me! 

So no funny stories from this grand adventure but it was a fantastic weekend!

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