Sunday, February 9, 2014

Tomorrow's The Day!

I can't believe it's here!  I start teaching classes at the YMCA tomorrow night!  It's been in the process for so long now I never thought it would get here.  I am pretty excited about it.  I tried out some of the Core Xpress moves today when I was at the gym and it will be a challenging class.  I'm trying not to go too crazy the first night because I don't want people to drop out!  That would be horrible.  So we will start of relatively easy, though one of my good friends is taking the class so I guess I will leave it up to her to decide if it was easy.  If it's not, I'm pretty sure I won't hear the end of it.  She still gives me grief for "pinching" her during the Weigh to Go fitness assessment when I was doing skinfold/body fat testing.  :)

In other exciting (and sort of fitness-related news), the Olympics started last week.  Of course, you already know that unless you live under a rock.  Here's why it's exciting for me.  I absolutely LOVE the Olympics.  One of the best family vacations the Campbells ever took was to the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary.  What an experience.  I was 12 and I still remember so much of it clearly 25 years later.  Good lord, I can't believe it's been that long!  I was at PT the other day talking about the 88 Olympics and my PT Assistant looked at me and said "I wasn't even born yet" and I just rolled my eyes.  I really do love the Olympics though.  I will say, though, that watching the Olympics in the age of technology is really frustrating.  I can't go on social media or ESPN or a news channel unless I want to know the results of the competitions I have yet to see because they haven't aired here.  I will say, that's the nice thing about when the Olympics are in the US or Canada.  No time delay. What about you?  Do you watch every event or pick and choose? 

Have a great week readers!


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