Thursday, February 6, 2014

I've Lost How Much Strength??

Tomorrow is your final challenge!  Can you believe it's already been 30 days?  Time flies when you are having fun, right?  I'm so proud of each of you whether you did the whole challenge or just a few.  The point is that you did it! 

Monday was my 6-week post op visit and it went well, as expected.  My surgeon was very pleased with my progress and even cleared me to do lower body exercises and core work.  This means that now I can go back to training clients and teaching classes which is great!  Next Monday I start teaching two classes twice a week at the Y.  One is the Gravity straps class took back in December and the other is called Core Xpress.  It's a 20 minute non-stop core class which will be so much fun!  Unfortunately, I spent Tuesday night trying to do some new core exercises and it turns out that taking 6 weeks off leads to absolutely pitiful core strength.  As a personal trainer, I know that atrophy happens which is why it's important to stay consistent with your training.  It's a different story when you are the one who hasn't worked out and you then try to do the same exercises you just did a few weeks ago.  So needless to say, the first week of my core class I may be going fairly easy on my clients. 

This week also saw the first meeting of my Weigh To Go team.  I don't think I told you all about that but it's a great program I am honored to be a part of.  It's a weight loss challenge that the local Y does at the beginning of every new year.  Participants are put on a team lead by a personal trainer and they get educational sessions, one-on-one time with their coach/trainer, weekly weigh-ins and other great motivators.  Every time they participate in a session or weigh-in or work out at the Y, they earn between 1-5 tickets which go in the grand prize drawing.  The big prize is $500 which is a pretty sweet prize if you ask me.  Of course, for me, the biggest prize is weight loss and hopefully new healthy habits and lifestyle.  That's my goal for my team.  I have team members at all levels of their fitness abilities.  I have someone who workouts regularly but maybe needs a little motivation to a woman in her 60s who had never been on a treadmill until Tuesday night.  How lucky am I that I get to help her find her healthy lifestyle and see results?? 

This weekend, I am creating the #ownitchallenge and will post it here on the blog as well tomorrow for you to participate.  Remember, if you do participate, don't forget to post to social media and use the hashtag #ownitchallenge.  Let's see how many people we can get talking about it. 

Have a great Friday!!


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