Sunday, February 23, 2014

Change is Good

Happy Sunday!  I realized yesterday that it had been over a week since I posted anything.  That was definitely not my intention.  Life got busy with working at the YMCA and time slipped away.  But I'm back on track now!

Everyone is tired of winter and no one is more tired of it than I!  Even though I can't run yet, it would be nice to be able to walk a few miles outside.  Instead, though, I ended up going cross-country skiing on Saturday with one of my good friends.  Or at least I thought she was a good friend until she gave me defective equipment and tried to kill me :)  She claims she was "testing my balance" but I don't buy it.  Here's what happened (you decide if she was trying to kill me or not):

My dear friend was kind enough to loan me ski boots, poles and skis so that I wouldn't have to rent them.  So we get ready to go and go to put the equipment in her car and it turns out that one of the baskets of my pole was broken.  No big deal, right?  Well that should have been my first clue.  We got out on the trails and the basket on my other pole broke off.  After about a mile or so (halfway through our trip), I felt my foot lighten and I looked down and the tip of the boot that was clipped into the ski broke off the boot.  My dear friend stood there and laughed.  Didn't ask if I hurt my hip...didn't ask if I injured myself at all.  Luckily, for her, I didn't :)  So we start down the trail again, me carefully scooting my skis along.  A few minutes later, I felt a pop on the other side and my ski went sliding out from underneath me.  Yep.  That boot broke off in the clip as well.

So for the last at least 1/2 mile, I was scooting along on skis that were not attached to my feet.  Turns out, the equipment I was using is almost as old as I am!  But I made it, no worse for the wear. It was a beautiful day regardless!

So what do you think?   Do you think she was trying to kill me?  Or just help me work on my balance?  It was, actually, really funny and I'm sure we will be talking about it for years to come.  Next time, though, I might just rent skis so I know they are newer and, theoretically, shouldn't break. 

Have a great week!


1 comment:

  1. it seems the Cross Country ski gods were against you!
