Sunday, February 23, 2014

Change is Good

Happy Sunday!  I realized yesterday that it had been over a week since I posted anything.  That was definitely not my intention.  Life got busy with working at the YMCA and time slipped away.  But I'm back on track now!

Everyone is tired of winter and no one is more tired of it than I!  Even though I can't run yet, it would be nice to be able to walk a few miles outside.  Instead, though, I ended up going cross-country skiing on Saturday with one of my good friends.  Or at least I thought she was a good friend until she gave me defective equipment and tried to kill me :)  She claims she was "testing my balance" but I don't buy it.  Here's what happened (you decide if she was trying to kill me or not):

My dear friend was kind enough to loan me ski boots, poles and skis so that I wouldn't have to rent them.  So we get ready to go and go to put the equipment in her car and it turns out that one of the baskets of my pole was broken.  No big deal, right?  Well that should have been my first clue.  We got out on the trails and the basket on my other pole broke off.  After about a mile or so (halfway through our trip), I felt my foot lighten and I looked down and the tip of the boot that was clipped into the ski broke off the boot.  My dear friend stood there and laughed.  Didn't ask if I hurt my hip...didn't ask if I injured myself at all.  Luckily, for her, I didn't :)  So we start down the trail again, me carefully scooting my skis along.  A few minutes later, I felt a pop on the other side and my ski went sliding out from underneath me.  Yep.  That boot broke off in the clip as well.

So for the last at least 1/2 mile, I was scooting along on skis that were not attached to my feet.  Turns out, the equipment I was using is almost as old as I am!  But I made it, no worse for the wear. It was a beautiful day regardless!

So what do you think?   Do you think she was trying to kill me?  Or just help me work on my balance?  It was, actually, really funny and I'm sure we will be talking about it for years to come.  Next time, though, I might just rent skis so I know they are newer and, theoretically, shouldn't break. 

Have a great week!


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Oh My Aching Muscles!

I was talking to a co-worker last week about her new fitness regimen and she kept talking about how she needed exercises for her hamstrings because her quads were on fire and she wanted to work other muscles in her legs.  I gave her some ideas of hamstring exercises, of course.  More importantly, though, I told her why her quads felt that way and how to help alleviate the pain.  I decided that there are probably more than a few of you out there that either don’t know why this pain occurs or think you know why but perhaps don’t know the real reason.  In fact, I’ve been known to give the incorrect answer in the past so I wouldn’t fault you if you did as well. 

As any of us who have started a new fitness program can attest to, the muscles that have been worked typically don’t really start to hurt until two days after the workout.  Some people feel the pain 24 hours post-workout but for the majority it’s usually 48 hours post.  This is called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).  DOMS is said to be the result of microtrauma (or microscopic tears) to the muscles and that microtrauma is caused by eccentric exercises/muscle action.  Eccentric means that the muscle is lengthened while force (weight) is applied ie: lowering action of the bicep curls, dead lifts and running.  The pain or soreness that you feel during and/or immediately after exercise is different that DOMS and is called acute muscle soreness.  With DOMS, the muscle is adapting to prevent future damage if the exercise is repeated.  Many people (myself included) used to think that this pain was due to lactic acid but it has been proven that lactic acid is not involved in this process. 

Can you prevent DOMS from occurring when you start a new fitness program?  Absolutely, though it’s not 100% preventable.  If you start your fitness regimen with lighter weights, you are less likely to cause those damaging microtraumas.  Start light and gradually increase the weight amount.  This is the best way to prevent DOMS. 

Because it’s the eccentric contraction that causes these tears, you can avoid trauma by focusing solely on concentric and isometric contractions.  However, it is often difficult to avoid these contractions during normal exercise and eccentric contractions are important to a well-balanced workout.  Stretching does not reduce the likelihood of DOMS as it is the force applied to a lengthened muscle that causes the tear and stretching does not typically include force. 

So you have DOMS but how can you help alleviate the pain?  There are several schools of thought on this but many just mask the pain.  The only sure-fire cure for DOMS pain is time.  Time for the muscle to recover and health those microscopic tears and adjust to the new demands being placed on it.  However, things like massage, hot tubs, stretching and the like will help reduce the pain.  It is important to note, though, that reduction in pain does not mean the muscles are recovering.  Again, the only thing that helps muscles recover is time.  Unfortunately, there’s not really a way around that fact. 

In short, make sure you are challenging yourself but not doing serious damage.  It’s a thin line and often you don’t realize what is “too much” until it’s too late.  If you do overdo it, I promise the pain will go away and you WILL be able to walk normal or grip a pen within a couple days!


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Tomorrow's The Day!

I can't believe it's here!  I start teaching classes at the YMCA tomorrow night!  It's been in the process for so long now I never thought it would get here.  I am pretty excited about it.  I tried out some of the Core Xpress moves today when I was at the gym and it will be a challenging class.  I'm trying not to go too crazy the first night because I don't want people to drop out!  That would be horrible.  So we will start of relatively easy, though one of my good friends is taking the class so I guess I will leave it up to her to decide if it was easy.  If it's not, I'm pretty sure I won't hear the end of it.  She still gives me grief for "pinching" her during the Weigh to Go fitness assessment when I was doing skinfold/body fat testing.  :)

In other exciting (and sort of fitness-related news), the Olympics started last week.  Of course, you already know that unless you live under a rock.  Here's why it's exciting for me.  I absolutely LOVE the Olympics.  One of the best family vacations the Campbells ever took was to the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary.  What an experience.  I was 12 and I still remember so much of it clearly 25 years later.  Good lord, I can't believe it's been that long!  I was at PT the other day talking about the 88 Olympics and my PT Assistant looked at me and said "I wasn't even born yet" and I just rolled my eyes.  I really do love the Olympics though.  I will say, though, that watching the Olympics in the age of technology is really frustrating.  I can't go on social media or ESPN or a news channel unless I want to know the results of the competitions I have yet to see because they haven't aired here.  I will say, that's the nice thing about when the Olympics are in the US or Canada.  No time delay. What about you?  Do you watch every event or pick and choose? 

Have a great week readers!


Thursday, February 6, 2014

I've Lost How Much Strength??

Tomorrow is your final challenge!  Can you believe it's already been 30 days?  Time flies when you are having fun, right?  I'm so proud of each of you whether you did the whole challenge or just a few.  The point is that you did it! 

Monday was my 6-week post op visit and it went well, as expected.  My surgeon was very pleased with my progress and even cleared me to do lower body exercises and core work.  This means that now I can go back to training clients and teaching classes which is great!  Next Monday I start teaching two classes twice a week at the Y.  One is the Gravity straps class took back in December and the other is called Core Xpress.  It's a 20 minute non-stop core class which will be so much fun!  Unfortunately, I spent Tuesday night trying to do some new core exercises and it turns out that taking 6 weeks off leads to absolutely pitiful core strength.  As a personal trainer, I know that atrophy happens which is why it's important to stay consistent with your training.  It's a different story when you are the one who hasn't worked out and you then try to do the same exercises you just did a few weeks ago.  So needless to say, the first week of my core class I may be going fairly easy on my clients. 

This week also saw the first meeting of my Weigh To Go team.  I don't think I told you all about that but it's a great program I am honored to be a part of.  It's a weight loss challenge that the local Y does at the beginning of every new year.  Participants are put on a team lead by a personal trainer and they get educational sessions, one-on-one time with their coach/trainer, weekly weigh-ins and other great motivators.  Every time they participate in a session or weigh-in or work out at the Y, they earn between 1-5 tickets which go in the grand prize drawing.  The big prize is $500 which is a pretty sweet prize if you ask me.  Of course, for me, the biggest prize is weight loss and hopefully new healthy habits and lifestyle.  That's my goal for my team.  I have team members at all levels of their fitness abilities.  I have someone who workouts regularly but maybe needs a little motivation to a woman in her 60s who had never been on a treadmill until Tuesday night.  How lucky am I that I get to help her find her healthy lifestyle and see results?? 

This weekend, I am creating the #ownitchallenge and will post it here on the blog as well tomorrow for you to participate.  Remember, if you do participate, don't forget to post to social media and use the hashtag #ownitchallenge.  Let's see how many people we can get talking about it. 

Have a great Friday!!


Monday, February 3, 2014

Review of Exercise Tops (and Your Final 4 Challenges)

Good evening!  I apologize for not getting a challenge for today out to you.  I suffered from the result of eating a whole lot of bad-for-me Super Bowl Party food last night and was home in bed by the 3rd quarter.  I even knew as I was loading up my plate that I would pay for it later but did that stop me?  NOPE.  And did I pay for it later?  YEP.  I was miserable and awful and just wanted to throw up to feel better.  When will I learn? 

As a result, today was an unintended (but probably much needed) rest day for you.  Your remaining four challenges will be posted at the end of this blog.  Before that, though, I wanted to review some workout tops that I have.  Unfortunately, for you men out there, I am only reviewing women's tops.  But perhaps there is a special lady in your life for whom you might buy workout clothes.  Just DON'T buy her workout clothes unless she asks for them.  Otherwise, you are implying that you think she needs to exercise and that leads to an argument you will not win! 

As many of you know, I'm a bit of a shopaholic.  I know, I know.  It's shocking to hear, right?  It's true.  And while I only run in Asics shoes, I have a few other brands that I buy for apparel.  That is due, in part, to the fact that I can't buy Asics apparel in a store (hence I can't try it on) but it's also because there are some great retailers with high quality product.  The reviews below are for tank tops because that's the type of top I wear most.  There are no singlets reviewed because a singlet is a singlet as far as I'm concerned.  It's when you get to the fitted tops and/or tops with shelf bras that things become a little trickier.   I had planned on including one of my favorite Asics tops in the review but I checked their website to get current pricing and apparently they don't make it anymore.  So here are the 4 tops (ha!) up for review.

Strappy Tank Bra

 Running Skirts Strappy Tank Bra (, $54.00) - I have to admit I've only worn this tank a few times and mostly for a general workout, not running.  However, my business partner wore the pictured gold one during the Princess Half Marathon last year.  I asked her opinion and she said it's comfortable and it didn't chafe in the heat.  It comes with extra pads in the shelf bra but Jess wore it without the pads but with a sports bra underneath.  That's how I have worn it as well.  With a bra underneath, it's a good all-purpose tank including for running and higher impact workouts.  Without an additional bra underneath, I would limit to low impact exercises.  One of my favorite things about this top, though, is the pocket in the back.  It's a great place to store Gu or Blocks but I wouldn't recommend putting a key or ID in that pocket as it doesn't zip. 
No Limits Tank

 Lululemon No Limits Tank (, $64.00) - I'm sure you heard all of the hullabaloo a few months ago about the CEO of Lululemon sticking his foot in his mouth several times.  While I don't think he should have phrased his remarks the way he did, I refuse to boycott them.  Mostly because I'm in love with their clothing.  And this top is no different.  They market this top as a yoga top because there isn't a whole lot of support in the bra.  I have used it as a running top but it probably is best used in lower impact workouts.  A couple things I like about this top:  the fact that the bra is attached but the top flows away from the body is great.  Someone like me who overheats easily will find this top breathable and very light.  Also, there is a wide band around the hips so the top stays in place.  GENIUS!!  This top is a little expensive so I recommend trying to find it on sale.  As much as I love this top, I'm pretty sure I didn't pay full price (and I don't think I would pay full price for it). 

Scoop Neck Tank
Lululemon Scoop Neck Tank ($48) - This tank is worth every penny!  On the website it lists the tank as "moderate support" but for someone who is a smaller bust size, it's perfect!  No need for an additional bra and I ran a half-marathon in the teal top with no discomfort at all.  Larger busted women, though, might not fit well in this and/or need an additional bra.  I will warn you that it is a very fitted top throughout so if you are not comfortable showing every inch of your torso, this probably is not the top for you.  Even I have to suck it in a little bit when wearing this top.  Like I said, though, it's worth every penny!

Push Ur Limits Tank

Lululemon Push Ur Limits Tank ($58.00) - I just bought this top last week while in Chicago for work.  So far, I really like it.  It's very comfortable and moved well when I was lifting weights.  I will say, though, that I haven't been able to run in it yet though it's very supportive so I don't imagine I will have problems with it.  Again, it's fitted throughout so if you are not a fan of fitted tops, this is not the one for you.  When I got this tank, it was on sale and I'm not sure I would pay full price at this point.  Once I run in it, I might reconsider, though. 
Alright...did you pick up that I might have a love for Lululemon?  Like I said, I was going to review my Asics top as well but I didn't want to give you a review for an item you can no longer buy.  I hope you found at least one of the reviews helpful, though.  If you have any of the reviewed items and have feedback for the readers, feel free to enter a comment.  I would love to hear what you think.  Or if you have a great tank that others might like, share that in the comments as well!
Now for the remaining four challenge days.  I can't believe it's been almost 30 days!  Time flies when you are having fun, I guess!  Once this challenge ends, I will start another one but will post either a week at a time or the whole 30 days worth at the beginning and then just provide reminders throughout the challenge.  I haven't decided yet but will let you know well in advance.  Here are your final challenges...
Tuesday (Day 27) - Jumping jacks for 30 seconds followed by burpees for 30 seconds (3 sets)
Wednesday (Day 28) - Bicep curls (10 reps at a weight that really challenges you) followed by running arms (with 5-10 pounds) for 30 seconds (3 sets)
Thursday (Day 29) - Squat jumps for 30 seconds followed by walking lunges (with a challenging weight) 10 lunges on each leg (3 sets)
Day 30 is going to be a tough one but I know you can do it!  You've come so far!!
Friday (Day 30) - Burpees (30 seconds) then mountain climbers (30 seconds) then plank (30 seconds) (3 sets)
Check in with me as the week goes and let me know how you are doing.  Also, feel free to comment on how you think the challenge went, any ideas for next time, ways to improve, etc.  I'm always look to make it better each time.