Sunday, February 10, 2013

Two Weeks!!!!!

It's almost here! It's almost here!! A very important date!! Two weeks and I will be crowned a Disney Princess! And my costume looks fab! And my dear friend Tania and her photog hubby took some pics and tweaked them. So fun! This really is going to be one of the best Girls' Weekend ever! And my friend Leah, who is also a Buff, will be there to so I am hoping we can connect.

Unfortunately, my training has derailed a bit. I would like to blame it on the weather or the weather or the weather. But's my own laziness. Plus I loathe running on the treadmill. But really, it's my own laziness. So I am back on track. I hope. Had stomach issues for a few days this week so haven't done too much but I am going running today. I have my Yak Trax (for running in snow) and plenty of layers so its gonna happen!!

This weekend was Ski Jumps here. My first time and boy was it entertaining. For those of you in Memphis, it's like BBQ fest in the snow. People set up tents and make shift buildings and such and "watch" the jumpers. Yes there is an actual ski jump competition going on. And it's even international!! Go figure! So my friend (who shall remain nameless to protect her identity) and I got up there about 3:30 yesterday and we were the ONLY sober people besides the kids. Just like BBQ fest, folks started drinking early. So, of course, we were obligated to join in. So we were walking around checking it out and after about 30 minutes we got cold so decided to go inside. Now mind you, everyone but us was wearing these buttons that I kept hearing about on the radio so when we were walking in to the lodge, I stopped and asked one of the security guards (read Bikers who were serving as security) what the buttons were all about because this was my first year here. Apparently, you are required to buy a button to even get in to the parking lot. one stopped us/asked to see our buttons. He asked us if we had them and we said no and he said "interesting, good for you!" And let us through! Yep. Sometimes it pays to be a woman!!

We had a fantastic time but realized we are too old to start at 3:30 because I was home asleep by 11:00. Ha! So I decided that next year, I am going to set up one of those little huts/tents and pace myself. And have a fire. Definitely a must!!

So I just have to get through this week and then it's a three day weekend and then it will be just a few more days and it will be time to go!!


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