Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Are You Kidding Me?

Today was a gorgeous day! It started off overcast which is sorta the norm these days. But this afternoon, I was blinded by this bright light outside my window and I didn't know what it was! Turns out, it was something called the sun. Who knew???

So, of course I took this great weather opportunity to go for a run after work. Here's something I miss about running in not 20 degree weather with snow on the roads...only taking 10 minutes rather than 30 minutes to get ready to run. Seriously. Between the two pair of socks, three layers on my legs (4 if you include my Lululemon Hot Cheeks), 3 layers on top, hat, headband and gloves and the extra stretching to make sure I stay loose and the Yak Tracks for my shoes...OY! It's exhausting just typing it all! I miss the days of throwing on shorts, tank, sunglasses and shoes and that's it. BUT, I shan't complain too much because it felt amazing to run outside. And I rocked my first 1.15 miles at a 10:14 pace Even with two pretty big hills!! I did have to stop and walk a bit after that but generally ran most of it. Until about 2.25 miles. That's when my left hip started to hurt. That's my "good" hip. This is not the first time recently this has happened. The same thing happened during a 5K a few weeks ago. It was bad tonight. I tried to stretch it out and run at a slower pace but that didn't help. It had to walk most of the last .75 miles and even that was painful. Yep. Not happy. It's the same kind of pain as my right was twosome degree. It hasn't started "catching" or anything but the pain was pretty severe. I am really hoping it's the cold weather and nothing more. My resident nurse/running buddy suggested a joint supplement which I am going to get tomorrow. I'm not messing with this crap again. Of course, it will be a year Friday since my surgery so why wouldn't my other hip start to hurt now?? And with another half coming up too. UGH!!! So we shall see how it goes in FL.

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