Sunday, November 10, 2013

Things, They Are A-Changing

Hello readers!  It's been quite a while since I've posted anything but you know what they say...if you don't have anything good to say...

I do have some news, though.  I have decided to change the focus of my blog.  I will still post updates on my life but since so much of my life these days revolves around fitness, that is what I am going to be focusing on.  Whether it's a recipe, workout, recommendation/review on apparel, shoes, etc, it will be here.  And the posts will be more regular, I PROMISE!!!  I know, I know.  I've said that before.  But I really think that the new direction of my blog will motivate me to post more frequently.  I also will be changing the name of my blog.  I haven't decided upon the new name yet but will definitely let you know when I do! 

So check back soon (like later this week) for the new, and hopefully improved, blog!

Have a great Sunday!  And don't forget to thank the Veterans in your life for their service and sacrifices!


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