Monday, April 1, 2013

Relax. I'm Hilarious.

That's what is on my new shirt I got in Minneapolis this weekend. Perfect for me, don't ya think? Let me tell you, though. It was kind of stressful for the first few hours of my trip and it took a few cocktails to get me to the point that I could appreciate a shirt like that. We all know that I have a tendency to pull bonehead moves, right? Well I pulled a doozie of one Friday. Here's how it goes:

Friday 5:30am - Alarm goes off to go to Physical Therapy

6:45am - Leave apartment with all my stuff for Minneapolis and arrive at PT ready to go.

6:55am - PT and I discover a new popping in my hip as he is doing routine stretches. Hmmm...need to address this with Ortho doc at appointment.

8:00am - On the road to Minneapolis. Gased up, snacks (chocolate cake courtesy of PT), grapes and good tunes to get me going on the 5 1/2 hour drive.

10:30am - Text from Bill that he arrived in Mpls (I'm tired of spelling it out). I'm still about 2 1/2 hours out.

Noon - It suddenly hits me that I forgot the one thing I need the most. THE FREAKING GAME TICKETS.

12:02pm - Call Bill in tears telling him what I've done. A little freaking out (on my part) ensues. Bill calms me down and says we will figure it out when I get to Mpls. Thank heaven he stays calm in situations like this.

12:15 pm - Janet calls me after getting my text about the tickets and she also talks me down of the wall.

1:15pm - Arrive at hotel in less than happy mood and immediately call Stub Hub to find out options. Because the tickets were not the downloadable kind (that I normally get) and they were the actual hard tickets, Stub Hub is not sure they can re-issue. They contact seller and left a message and informed me they would know by 6pm.

1:30pm - Bill says "doesn't Tania have a key to your apartment?" Yes, she does but can she get off work in time to get to Fed Ex to overnight the tickets?

1:32pm - Light bulb goes on that property manager at apartment not only has key to my apartment but WORKS FOR FED EX!!! Place urgent call and leave message to please, please, please, please call me right away.

1:33pm - She calls back and I explain situation. She has not left for work yet so will go get tickets and send overnight with guaranteed Saturday delivery.

1:35pm - I try to relax and enjoy being in Mpls with Bill.

2:00pm - Head to Mall of America and have a few cocktails before shopping. EVERYONE should shop after a few cocktails.

3:30pm - Notice I missed a call from random area code and listen to voicemail. It was Stub Hub stating the seller re-issued the tickets electronically and they waived the re-issue fee. Stub Hub has now become my favorite on-line ticket broker.

3:32pm - Call property manager back asking if it's too late to pull the tickets back. She says we are good. Thank her profusely and promise to take her out on the town to thank her.

3:35pm - Call Janet to update her that the world has not come to an end and we will be going to the game without having to buy more tickets.


So, the lesson learned here is that when you don't go through your normal checklist (read: put your tickets in your purse the night before) you forget said tickets. Now mind you, had I realized I forgot them in Rhinelander or Wausau, I would have turned around and just taken longer to get to Mpls. But because I was 4 hours from home, that was not going to happen.

So other than that, the weekend was great! Our hotel was right in the heart of downtown and was only 2 blocks from the Target Center (where the game was). Friday night we went to dinner at a place Bill described as pretentious but I thought it was very cool. I think that any restaurant that comes with "stuff" on his food he doesn't like/doesn't know what it is, is pretentious. I, however, had a wonderful piece of salmon and some candied winter squash. YUMMMMMM!!! Here's how Friday night  ended...

The game was on Saturday and I would just like to say a few things about going to see the Grizz play somewhere besides Memphis:
a) I am officially undefeated.  4-0 in games I've seen live.  It was tough to watch at times but they pulled out the win.
b) Can I please, for one simple game, not be sitting behind some prissy girl who is there with her boyfriend/husband and doesn't know a bloody thing about the game yet constantly wants to give me dirty looks when I cheer like I'm the one out of line for cheering AT A BASKETBALL GAME?  That's all I want.  Is that too much to ask???  Seriously.
c) There is no better place to watch an NBA game than the Fed Ex Forum in Memphis.  I have now been to three other NBA arenas and their fans suck.  I'm not just saying that because they are not the Memphis fans.  It's true.  In Memphis, there is always cheering/noise/music and fans get loud for any good play (or bad for that matter).  They don't wait for a dunk or the end of a quarter or the 4th quarter.  We cheer all the bloody time! 

So all in all, it was a great weekend!  I'm sad that I won't get to see my boys play again this year, but am very thankful I got to see them play as much as I did. 


1 comment:

  1. Ok... I may be laughing a bit.....the tickets... really! YOU WERE GOING TO A BBALL GAME!!
